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My Kingdom

Jesse's Kingdom

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Hello and welcome to my twisted realm of utter chaos. If you dare enter through this link you will be transported to a scary world that exists in the depths of my mind. This strange place is Jesses Kingdom. My kingdom is a place few have seen and less have wanted to. My kingdom is a place where I am the ruler; my friends are the hero’s, heroines, and dictators and you the visitors are my people, scary huh. One other group are the few unlucky people that are my enemies, they are the ones that are thieves, beggars and mongrels that we spit on. Thank you for listening to my ranting and raving, hope to see you soon. (For any of you, who don’t understand what this page is, it’s a way for me to express the way I am feeling and the way I feel towards my few good friends and fewer enemies. Don’t worry this is not one of those gay one page shout out sites. This is far scarier; this is my world of fantasy and chaos. Remember this is supposed to be taking place in the Medieval Era so its all Medieval oriented. One more thing if you have to E-mail me, my E-mail is below and no flames or Junk mail please)
