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Dúnedain chieftain of Arnor. At the time of the War of the Ring, Aragorn II was the sixteenth and last chieftain of the Dúnedain. Born in 2931 of the Third Age, Aragorn was raised by Elrond Half-Elven in Rivendell. When Aragorn was twenty he met Elrond's daughter, Arwen, and then the couple fell in love. However, Elrond would not permit the marriage until Aragorn became the rightful king of Arnor and Gondor. To this end, Aragorn travelled widely and fought for the rights of the Free Peoples. He went by many names: Ecthelion, Thorongil, Elfstone, Elessar and Strider. As a Dúnedain lord, Aragorn was blessed with a lifespan three times that of other Men. In 2956 he met Gandalf the Wizard and they became friends and allies. In 3018, he came to Bree where he met the Hobbit Ringbearer, Frodo Baggins, and in Rivendell he became one of the Fellowship of the Ring. After Gandalf was lost to the Balrog of Moria, Aragorn became the leader of the Fellowship. In the War of the Ring, Aragorn played a prominant role in routing Saruman's army at Hornburg. He commanded the Dead Men of Dunharrow and captured the fleet at Pelargir. His arrival with new allies at the Battle of Pelennor Fields saved Gondor, and he commanded the Army of the West at the Black Gate of Mordor. After the war, Aragorn became King Elessar of the Reunited Kingdom and married Arwen. During the next century of his reign, Aragorn extended his kingdom to most of the western lands of Middle-earth. With Arwen, he had several daughters and one son, Eldarion. After Aragorn's death in 120 of the Fourth Age, his son became king ruling long and well.

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