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RPG Quotes

Neko Hayoshi

Stocks: 5 shares worth $500 each of Ichiban Soda.

Current status: ^-^'' She forgot all about it.

Ayame Souhma

Stocks: Owns "Fantasy Wears".

Current Status: O_o ?! You really want to know?!

Naruto Uzumaki & Hikaru Shindou

Stocks: Both own 400 shares worth $.10 each of MaruChan Ramen.

-Hikaru also own 200 shares worth $150 each of Sensei Sai's Go.

Current Status: ^-^''''''' Eaten... >.> Except for the Go stocks... ? Those ones are used as a fan?! @.@

Hiead Gner

Stocks: 1 share worth $56 of GOA.

Current Status: -.- Loathed... Zero bought it for him.

Souzo Sagara

Stocks: 45 shares worth $.01 each of Neko's Rainforest Preserve.

Current Status: ... the rainforest, or the stocks? ... -.-' Both are failing miserably.

Sesshou-maru Li

Stocks: 12,000 shares worth $1,700 each of Hate Your Brother Foundation.

Current Status: ... -_- zzzz This is the only one kept properly... boring!

Relena Peacecraft

Stocks: Owns the "We Love Heero FanClub", and "The Ultra Super Meenie Meenie Group" (Check the series)

Current Status: -.-XXXXXX PINK ...ugh... kill me now, please...

Makoto Shishio

Stocks: 6,000 shares worth $876 each of SpongeBob Squarepants.

Current Status: ^-^''' Being veiwed happily in Hades.


Stocks: few remaining shares of Hate Your Brother Foundation.

Current Status: ^-^' They're currently covered in demon guts... *pales* ugh... v_v


Inu-yasha: ! What?! I own part of the same stock as Sesshou-maru?!

Sesshou-maru: Yes, and you don't even have the intelligence to take care of them properly.

Inu-yasha: ! >.Neko: ...? I have stocks?

Relena: HEEE~EEE~EEE~RO!!!!! Come back to kill me!!!

Shishio: I'll kill you if you're so anxious for death...

Souzo: ! How did you get out of Hades?!

Naruto: Who cares?! *slurps Ramen*

Hikaru: *waps him upside the head with a fan* Play Go!

Hiead: -.- ...I'll kill all of you...

Ayame: ^-^ No, no! You must all visit my store before you go killing people!

Milantha: -.-x All of you, get off my website!
