Warning: ^-^ There is NO plot!
*Disclaimer* Ha you losers!! There's no need for a disclaimer 'cuz I own this story! XP ... I don't specifically own The Narrarator, I just hired him... but other then that, the characters were based on my many split personalities. ^_^
N- Long long long ago in a place... about a block away, don't ask me how they knew how far a block was back then, because I do not know, there was a beautiful young girl who---
AC- (Loud booming of thunder) Enough!
N- Wha--?! But we're supposed to be telling a story!
AC- I am aware of that but---(tone get's whiny) It's so b~o~o~o~r~r~i~n~g!!
N- Huh?
AC- (gives a high cackle) I'm here to make you have fun... As the Almighty Controller say; You no make fun, I no let you live.
N- B-but...
AC- ...And to help me with this task, since you REALLY need some excitement, I brought along my trusting little Minnion!
N- Your wha--?
M- H~i~i~i~i~i!
N- (flustered) What is that?!
SP- (matter of factly) It's her minnion. This one seems to be of the species Artolotha. This is one of the uglier versions...
M- Hey!
N- O_O ...There's no such thing as an Artolotha!
SP- Ya-huh
M- (gets teary-eyed)I'm not ugly, and now I'm being ignored!
AC- (rushes over to minnion and comforts her) Shhh, it's okay sweety. I don't think you're ugly, and I appriciate your prescence... (turns to bickering narrarator and smarty pants)
N- Na-uh!
SP- Ya-huh!
N- Na-uh
SP- Ya--- (lighting flashes inches away from the two)
SP and N- Eeek! (turn to face an angry almighty controller)
AC- Two things, don't insult my minnion and never EVER start an argument... unless I'm allowed into to it too!
N and SP- ??!
(There is a pause.)
AC- Mwahahahahaha! Mwahahahahaha! I love the feeling power strikes in weak-minded people.
N- Weak-minded?!!
SP-Well, the way you reacted to the lightning did---
(Mental Case runs in.)
MC- (cackling insanely. Runs up to smart pants.) BOO!!
(Smarty Pants jumps and hides behind Narrarator.)
N- What were you saying about weak-minded people??
SP- (whimper) O_o
(mental case runs up to minnion and hugs her)
M- Hi!
(Mental case starts running around crazily again. As she runs by almighty controller, AC bonks her on the head. Mental Case crumples to the floor.)
AC- *sigh* Now that that's fineally over...
(Mental Case gets up and sits oddly calm in front of almighty controller.)
Ac- (pats mental case on the head) Good lapdog.
MC- ... ^_^
M- *sniffle* What about me?
AC- You have a brain dear.
M- (brightens) Kay!
N- ...
SP- Almighty Controller obviously has control issues, since she bosses around both Minnion and Mental Case.
M- *gasp* You insulted Almighty Controller. You're going to pay.
SP- Is that a threat? You can go to jail for making threats you know---
(Everyone quiets.)
AC- I shall call upon my mightiest weapon for your insult to me...
(Smarty Pants shivers in fear.)
AC- Come forth, Little Kid!
(A cute little girl runs up.)
SP- Uh...
AC- Mwahahahahaha! Since you obviously like answering questions, lets see how you measure up to my curious little kid!
SP- Okay----
AC- Have at her! (Grins evily)
LK- (giggles and runs up towards smarty pants.) What's your name?
SP- My name is Smarty Pa--
LK- How old are you?
SP- I'm exactly--
LK- Why is the sky blue?
SP- Ah, that can be explained with--
LK- Why are clouds fluffy?
SP- That's because-- (starts getting flustered)
LK- Why is grass green? Why is carpet stained? Why is there gum under desks?
SP- (Holding head in pain) I-I- don't know!!
AC- Mwahahahaha, mwahahahaha! Alright little kid, come back, she's had enough.
(Little kid runs back)
AC-(gives little kid a lollipop) Good girl.
(Little kid sits down next to mental case and starts silently badgering poor little minnion.)
AC- (to smarty pants) Don't mess with me little one, I've got loads of tricks up my sleeve.
MC- (suddenly jumps up yelling) Fish!
AC- (unfazed. Pats Mental Case on the head.) That's great sweety.
(Mental Case sits back down. Nararrator and Smarty Pants have fallen over in surprise.)
N- (get's back up) Hey, has everyone forgotten me?
AC- Yep!
N- *sniffle* I want someone to talk to...
(A flash of light and out pops a young girl dressed half in black, half in white.)
A/D- Hello everyone. I'm Angel/Devil and... It sucks to meet you all.
AC- (claps hands) Ooh! This ones fun!
N- (runs up to Angel/Devil) Can I talk to you?
A/D- Of course you... Can't!
SP- ... *blinkblink*
M- Look, look! Smarty Pants is speechless!!
MC- He's probably having some sort of overload.
(Everyone gasps in surprise)
MC- What? --Uh, I mean... (freaks out) Waaaaaaah! Everyone knows I'm normal now! (Runs off crying)
AC- Right--- Does anyone remember the purpose of this gathering?
M- Uh--- I think Nararrator was supposed to tell a story...
LK- What kind of story?
(All look at Nararrator)
N- Oh, so NOW you all notice me? Huh?!
AC- Yep! So what story were you supposed to do?
N- I-I-uh--- I DON'T REMEMBER!! (Runs off crying)
A/D- That poor... Idiot. (flies off in search of more "poor idiots"
SP- (runs after her) Wait! I want to study you!!
AC- (Gathers up Little Kid and Minnion.) C'mon you guys, we need to go find a new Mental Case... (walks off).