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Mountan Ridge Etiquette

In the Realm of Mountain Ridge
we shall display our respect for the
Kingdom and for others by using
Proper Etiquette

#1. Protocol and Addressing Titles.

Address used for a King/Queen is "Your Majesty".
"Sire" is a more familiar title generally reserved for close confidants or members of a King's Realm.
Often times you will see "M'King" or "M'Queen" used by members addressing their Liege - Lord or Sovereign

When addressing a King and Queen in the same room,
seperate greetings should be used for both.

Prince/Princess ranks above all titled nobility and is addressed as "Your Highness".

Duke/Duchess is "Your Grace"

Graf/ Baron/Baroness/Viscount is "Your Excellency"

Count/Countess are known as "Excellency"
Equivalent to Earl (English).... Count (French).... and Jarl (Welsh)

Knight is addressed as "Sir".
Female Knight as "Dame"

Lord/Lady is addressed as "M'Lord and "M'Lady".

"sir" may be used for a Gentleman

Squire is "Squire"

Page is known as "Page"

If ever there is doubt in a 'formal' situation always use the title seen in the name ie: Queen Angela, Prince Charming etc...

#2.Positions and Addressing.

Pope is "Your Holiness"

Ambassador is "Your Excellency"

Bishop is "Thy Grace"

Cardinal is "Your Emminance"

#3. Garb

In the presence of others, proper attire is required by all. No shirtless males, and females
should refriegn from showing too much skin.
We have young realm members and visitors.

#4. Lagnguage

An attempt of using "Ye Olde English" would be appriciated.
Such as one entering a room.."Greetings..and name.
Upon one leaving a room.. "Fair thee well".
Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. As in "ty" should be typed out as thank you, "wb" should be typed as welcome back etc...


Swearing, cuss words.....or lewd remaks should be avoided.

#6. Linking AVs / Mega AVs/ IMs

Linking AVs should be left to courting/married couples.
Permission to link should always be asked.
When entering a room permission should be
asked and granted before you mega your AV.
Permission should also be asked and granted before sending an IM (unless an emergency)

#7. Tours

Touring should be started by a male and he will offer his hand to the ladies joining and leaving the tour.

#8. Courtships

Keep yourself chaste for the sake of her whom you love.

Never knowingly strive to break up or correct
a love affair that someone else is engaged in.

Do not choose for your love anyone who, by a
natural sense of shame, forbids you to marry.

Be mindful completely to avoid falsehood.

Do not be a revealer of love affairs.

Being obedient in all things to the commands of Ladies,
you will ever strive to ally yourself to the
Service of Love.

In giving and receiving love's solaces,
let modesty be ever present.

Speak no evil.

Be in all things polite and courteous.

In practicing the Solaces of Love,
do not exceed the desires of your lover.

Keep to a minimum, displays of public affection.

Never take a Courtship lightly,
this is most often a step toward virtual weddings
and the equivalent of engagement.

It is proper for the couple to decide
that a Courtship is justified before asking
permission to Court.

Permission to court will be ask to the King and Queen,
and shall not be recognized unless granted.

Once a courtship is granted, it shall
continue for a period of two weeks
before a marriage will be considered.

Courtship should not be entered into without serious
consideration on the part of both involved.

To the Laws of the Land

To The Realm of Mountain Ridge

To the Fair Realm Of Gantra

To the International Spirit League