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Laws Of The Land

These are the laws of Mountain Ridge
Please abide by these laws to make everyone’s stay enjoyable.

First and Foremost...
always remember that Real Life comes first.
There is nothing more important than REAL!

As to avoid any possible conflict
you may NOT be a member with any other
realm or consort.
*Membership requires that the only realm
you are a member of is Mountain Ridge*

Proper attire is to be worn at all times.
There will be younger members in this realm.
No suggestive or nude av’s will be allowed.

Refrain from swearing , it is not becoming
for anyone at anytime to swear and
will not be tolerated within this realm.

Members of Mountain Ridge are to show Respect
and Honor to members and Royalty of other Realms
and to anyone that may come into
our realm simply to visit. Remember that you are a Delegate of this realm
simply by being a member. Please show
others that we are a decent people.
This goes for whether or not you are within
the realm or out in other territories.
As long as you wear the tag of "Mountain Ridge" you are to act accordingly.

Royalty is to be greeted with respect, this includes
ladies should curtsey, and men should bow when greeting.

Please keep gestures down to a minimum,
consider the others that wish to chat in the room.

No bots or toys will be tolerated with in the walls
of this realm and anyone that uses said programs
will be ejected from the room and expelled from the Kingdom.
This is serious! And so are we!

If you are having problems with another in the room,
take it elsewhere, this is a “NON DRAMA” realm,
fighting will be dealt with swiftly.

Most of all..Have fun and enjoy the gift
of family, friendship and laughter.

Queen Magnet of Mountain Ridge

To Mountain Ridge Etiquette Page

To The Realm of Mountain Ridge

To the Fair Realm Of Gantra

To the International Spirit League