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The Conference Room

In this chamber
decisions are made for the realm,
of war and peace.
With wisdom from above,
knowledge from the ages
and consideration of all involved.

Alliance Proclamation

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Unto all in the Realms and beyond,
harken and heed that The Kingdom of Mountain Ridge,
The Lands of Gantra, and the International Spirit League
hath officially formed an alliance on the
1st day of June in the year of our Lord 2003.
The three hath mutually pledged to one another
their knights, their lands, and their services
in both times of joy and need.
The Kingdom of Mountain Ridge, The Lands of Gantra,
and the International Spirit League
hath pledged to honor and protect one another
with all the resources each has at their command.

Take warning and dread at this Mighty Alliance
any who consider harm or ill intent to
The Kingdom of Mountain Ridge, The Lands of Gantra,
and the International Spirit League!
Rejoice with us our family and companions
at this Wonderful alliance and friendship!

To The Realm of Mountain Ridge

To the Fair Realm Of Gantra

To the International Spirit League