news for march 1st 2004 welcome to my updated site. still has the old feeling just a little different. for the next few days I will be remodeling my site, changing some of the pages and other areas. And maybe adding some new stuff. As for other news, crime city is still being worked on, as of now all we have left to do is make the three bases: raiders, reavers, bos, then also make the new power plant, touch up the roads, put in the lighting, and also the triggers. then just basically the final touches. I'm sorry for those who I promised that the map would be done if February but I didn't expect it to take as long as it has. some good news though, we are now able to put in quests right into the map, just like how it would be in a map, were you would go up to someone "NPC" and talk to them and get a quest that way plus be rewarded once finished. |