Neo Ayenee is planing to go on the Radio Air starting with Winamp.

NEo Ayenee idea to go on air is to broad cast through out all Rp'ers with winamp (if the idea goes well int he polls, we will provide a Downloadload link for winamp if you don't have it) The idea of the radio air of Neo Ayenee. Is to bring you live Rp related topics and some comady to hear int he mornings. We have an idea for whom to choose for a person to be one of our music dj's but we are looking within neo ayenee for someone else to be a host. We will play ont he air, (beside RpG Music) normal music (rap, hip-Hop, R&B, ect) and some clips from the daily news and of corse. RP NEWS! Yes. the idea sounds boring (maybe) on the outside but the ideas that lurk within is great. We will so far be the first community to host its own radio station for Rp on the internet. (Accoreding to our research) and beside. With it, we will have a 1-800 number for Rp'ers to call in and to get tot alk ont he air as well. Look forward to this idea.

If you want to help and show support of the idea. Make sure to vote on the polls! On the Neo Ayenee forum.

The Ayenee Team
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