Limit Breaks


In the following section you'll find everyone's limit breaks, how they're gained, and where the 4th Limit Break Manuels can be found.

To get the first limit on any level you must kill 80 enemies. It doesn't matter how you kill them magic, morph, etc. it doesn't matter. Note the easiet way to kill enemies is using the Slash-all materia leveled up to Flash. To gain the second limit on that levl you must use the first limit on that level 8 times. Note to gain the 4th limit you must have all other limits.

CLOUD 1a. Braver-Energy attack on 1 opponet 1b. Cross Slash-Multislash attack 2a. Blade Beam-Energy from sword hits one character and does 1/4th damage to all other characters 2b. Climb Hazard-Stabs enemy then jumps away 3a. Meteorain-Jumps into air and fires meteors at enemies 3b. Finish Touch-Creats a tornado that causes instant death on weak enemies 4. Omnislash-A slashing frenzy that hits 15+ times. OUCH!!!

Get Omnislash by getting 32,000 thousand BP in battle Square.

BARRET 1a. Heavy Shot-Energy shot from gun 1b. Mind Break-Takes away one foes MP 2a. Grenade Bomb-Throws a grenade at all enemies 2b. Hammer Blow-Kills one foe 3a. Satellite Beam-A laser blasts all foes 3b. Anger Max-18 laser shots randomly at all foes 4. Catastrophe-Same as above only 20 beams

In Corel talk to the women in the upper house, after the long train ride.

TIFA 1a. Beat Rush-A multihit combo 1b. Somersault-Just what it says 2a. Waterdirve-Tifa kicks an enemy 2b. Meteodive-Grab an enemy and smash them 3a. Dolphin Blow-An uppercut 3b. Meteo Strike-Grab an enemy then smash them into ground 4. Final Heaven-Tifa wrecks her enemy with a mega energy hit

In Nibelheim play this song on Tifa's panio. X,S,T,R1+T,R1+S,X,S,T,R1+X,O,X,X,S,T. Note you must have Tifa in your party to do this.

RED XIII 1a. Sled Fang-Charge at foe 1b. Lunitic High-Haste is cast on party 2a. Blood Fang-Charge at foe and get back HP and MP 2b. Stardust Ray-Shooting stars hit 10 times 3a. Howling Moon-Red gets haste, berserk, and a strength increase 3b. Earth Rave-Charge at enemy 5 times 4. Cosmo Memory-A mega-energy blast against all enemies. OOOUUCCHHH!!

In Nimbelheim unlock the safe.

CID 1a. Boost Jump-Jump into air then spears one opponet 1b. Dynamite-Throws a stick of dynamite at enemies 2a. Hyper Jump-A beefed up Boost Jump that hits all 2b. Dragon-A dragon attacks an enemy 3a. Dragin Dive-Jumps into air and stabs six random targets 3b. Big Brawl-An 8 hit frenzy 4. Highwind-The Highwind fires 18 missles at the enemies

Search the sunken plane( Gelenki) for the final limit break.

YUFFIE 1a. Greased Lightning-Throws weapon at enemy( no you don't lose the weapon) 1b. Clear and Tranquil-Heals all party members equal to half their total HP 2a. Landscraper-Energyrolls along the Earth and hurts all opponets. 2b. Bloodfest-A 10 hit slashing fest 3a. Gauntlet-One huge explosion that hurts all 3b. Doom of the Living-15 random hits againist all opponets 4. All Creation-Yuffie blasts out a huge amount of energy that crushes all opponets

Get the limit by doing Yuffie's Utai subquest, and defeating pagoda.

VINCENT Note each of Vincent's 4 transformations has 1 physical and magic attack. 1. Galian Beast-Turns into a werewolf time beast that uses fire magic 2. Death Gigas-Turns into a Golem that his lightning time magic. 3. Hellmasker-A psycho killer( Jason anyone??) that can lay down tons of curses 4. Chaos-Turns into Satan and has a spell that casts instant death and a large sum of damage

Vincent's 4th limit can be found in the same spot that his Ultimate Weapon is found, in the waterfall.

CAIT SITH Note Cait Sith only has two limit breaks 1. Dice-Cait throws 2 to 6( higher his the level the more the dice) dice at oppents. Damage is figure by adding all faces of the dice up and multiplying the number by 100. 2. Slots-You stop a slot machine and what it stops on is your reward. Mog Dance restores the partys's HP+MP. Joker kills of the party. Combine turns your 3 party members into one big one. Lucky Gal always lets you do critical hits. All over hurts all your opponets. Finally Random Summon summons one creature in your summon list for free.

AERIS 1a. Healing Wind-Heals all allies 1b. Seal Evil-Casts stop and silence on enemies 2a. Breath of Earth-Every adnormality is displaced 2b. Fury Brand-Fills the party's limit gauge 3a. Planet Protector-The party is has temporary invencibility 3b. Pulse of Life-Refills all party members HP+MP 4. Great Gospel-Does Planet Protector and Pulse of Life

Go east of Junon to a cave with a sleeping man in it. If the last two digits in the amount of fights like 122 or 566 and you've escaped an amount of times where your escapes are equal example 11 or 33. The man will give you a piece of mythril. Go take it to the weapon shop owner( East of Gongoga) exchange it their for the small box. Inside you'll find Aeris finl limit.