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Materia Combinations
Combine Added Affect with Poison, Contain, Time, Mystify, or Time. When you hit an enemy it my cause one of the affects that the materia does.
Add Elemental with Fire, Ice, or Lightning. If you equip have this combo equipped on your weapon it will become a __based weapon as the __ is the materia you have on it. If its on your armor then you'll become immune to that materia's type attacks.
An obvious is linking Final Attack and either Phoniex or Revive. If you die you'll be brought back to life.
If you're going up againist a boss link KotR and either MP or HP absorb. So you'll cast the best summon and get back either HP or MP.
If you link Sneak Attack and KotR you'll kill your enemy before any damage can be done.
Link Deathblow and HP absorb. You'll kill your opponet and get back you HP.
Link Deathblow and Steal as Well and you'll do deathblow and steal from them.
If you have W-Magic, Master Magic, and 2 Ultimas you can unleash a huge attack. Equip Quad on Master Magic. Equip MP absorb on Ultima. And equip sneak attack with the other ultima. The result is a Ultima 10 times with MP absorb before you're opponet can even do anyting. If you have another Ultima link it to added cut to get in a physical attack too. You can use other spells but Ultima hurts the most.
Link together Mime and Counter and if you get hit you'll do the last attack you party did.
The more counters, counter attacks, and magic counters you have the more times you'll counter attack. You can also link them to other materia for better results.
Master Cover Materia and put it on your strongest fighter. Then load him/her up with all the counter atacks, counters, and magic counters you can get. The character will then block every attack and counter-attack for a TON of damage. Thanks Jermey for this awesome combo!!
Equip Deathblow and link it to Added Cut and add a Mega-All. You'll attack each enemy for 2x what you would normally do.
Link Master Command and HP Absorb and any attack you do will give you HP back.
Link Alexander and MP Absorb and on any good enemy you'll get back all the Magic Points that you used on them.
Link Master Command and Sneak Attack and any fight should be over in one turn. You'll do every command but the bad part is you'll throw all your weapons away. This is a one time only thing.