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Your Thoughts on a New Ending
What?!? Think you can make a better ending?? Here is your chance to let your artistic talents flow. If your ending is similar to an ending allready up, it will not be posted up here in order to save disc space.
After Seraph Sephiroth is destroyed, have Cloud start to feel immense pain, as he is a clone of Sephiroth and his master (you know what I mean) is destroyed. But the Sephiroth in the cocoon comes back to life and shatters the cocoon and grabs the Masamune to challenge Cloud to a fight to the death. The fight ensues, with dailogue during the fight. As the fight rages on, Cloud is stabbed badly and drops the Ultima weapon. On the edge of consciousness, he hears three voices. First he hears his mother, telling him that she loves him and that she did not die in the Nibelheim Fire in vain. The second is from Zack, who tells Cloud to finish what he started, and to finish Sephiroth. And the third is the voice of Aeris, who simply says, "I love you, Cloud, the world is in your hands." Cloud shakes the cobwebs and tackles Sephiroth, forcing him to drop the Masamune. Cloud then takes the Masamu! ne (I know only Sephiroth can hold it, but Cloud is his clone anyway) and Sephiroth starts to stand. Cloud then slashes him three times, once for his mother and Nibelheim, one for Zack, and the final deathblow, straight through the heart, for Aeris. Cloud then takes the Masamune and, with all of his might, shatters it. The party, reunited, leaves the Crater to the Highwind, and heads to the Forgotten Capitol. They quickly find the White Materia in the water and head back to the Highwind. Cait Sith then informs the team on where Marlene is, she's in the attic of the church in Sector 5. They fly to Midgar and save her and Reeve. They all converse on how they will use Holy to stop Meteor, which will be arriving in 30 minutes. reeve then tells the team to place the White Materia into Cait Sith's stuffed body. The team does so, and places the now functionless Cait Sith into one of the Highwind's cannons. But before they can fire, the team flees to Rocket Town to get Shera and then head back to the For! gotten Capital to the water screen where Bugenhagen was. Cait Sith, now reactivated climbs into the Highwind alone to fly it to the North Cave and shoot himself from the cannon into space. His stuffed body collides with Meteor, forcing Meteor to explode in space, while the team watches on the screen. The team leaves to rebord the Highwind and return to their lives. Cid to Rocket Town, and to marry Shera. Vincent returns to Midgar to head the new Turks, no longer assasins, but as secret service agents. Yuffie returns to Wutai, to become mayor of the town. Red XIII returns to Cosmo Canyon, to be greeted by a female of the species, and have the first of many cubs, a male named Seto. Reeve (Cait Sith) returns to his job in Midgar. Barrett, surprisingly, becomes president of Shinra Inc. and returns the world to Coal Power, with little Marlene by his side, giving her the neclace of her mother. Tifa falls in love and marries Reno of the Turks and takes Scarlet's job. And ! for Cloud, he became a drifter moving from place to place, looking for some way to ease his pain, and eventually puts Zack's Buster Sword to himself, and dies. The group, minus Cloud gathers one year later at Cosmo Canyon. Tifa leaves the group and goes to a nearby cliff and says out loud, "Where are you Cloud?" And then in the wind she hears a familiar voice, "It's going to be all right." She darts around to see the ghost of Cloud. She then starts to cry. Cloud tells her to be strong, for his quest is over, and his goal has been obtained. With this another figure comes into view, next to the ghost of Cloud now stands the ghost of His long lost love, AERIS. Then the screen zooms out further and further until you see the planet, and then you hear a book close. The scen changes to an old room with A now elderly woman with her grandchildren all around her. It's little Marlene.
By:Cody Ortega
Tifa would dump Cloud for Vincent and Cloud marries Yuffie. Barret recruits all of them for avalanche. and red dies because of eating junk food.