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My Aeon Rising

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Dreams That Dream

It is part of my belief system (U.T.A.), that by our faith and desire we create our own heavens and hells. If one believes in Jesus and Eden, one will find Jesus in the light, and be led into a garden paradise. If you place your faith in the teachings of Muhammad, and seek a paradise oasis inhabited by doe-eyed virgins, this is exactly what you shall discover in the passage from this world to the next. If you view yourself as evil and unworthy of heaven... if you are wracked with guilt and shame from things you've done or failed to do... and if by your belief system you are condemned to hell, than hell you will find in the realms beyond the current illusion. In this way, the ancient pagan (polytheistic) peoples found their Elysian Fields, Annwn, Avalon, Hel, or Summerlands awaiting them, and were met by their gods at the gates of the Other World. ETC...

From the time we are born our parents and societies, religions and culture condition our unconscious mind to expect certain things in the dieing experience. Whether we realize it or not, we are pre-programmed every day --by books, television, movies, games, spiritual conversation, etc-- to find the paradise of your people. The subconscious and unconscious mind tends to boil it all down into the purest essence of expectation (a childlike view of such things), and when you die you find a wondrous world where there is no night, no bad weather, no pollution, no anything negative--because this is what everyone is hoping to find (or at least the collective majority).

The conditioning is very subtle and we are exposed to it throughout our lives, making it difficult to change our afterlife fate. The only way of altering the programming, is to re-condition and re-train your mind and heart to expect different things. By doing this, we can attain the hope of tailoring our "Other World" to "our selves." 

In scriptures it says, that there are many mansions in the father's kingdom. So too, Jesus proclaimed to Pilot and others, that his kingdom was "not of this world."  It is the right of every son and daughter of the Most High, to inherit such a mansion--so that you too may declare, "My kingdom is not of this world!"

It is through faith, hope, desire, visualization and artistic expression that we can hope to turn thought into form and choose our own destinies beyond the rim of this reality--if not in the here and the now. So the one who would be the god of his/her own universe must first come to believe that they can create their own afterlife, by faith and imagination. Then the thought and the will must be expressed through actions. You must speak your heaven or hell into being, you must bring it forth through drawings, paintings, written words, a journal of daydreams, or by any other medium that suits your own preference. It is not so important that you are a master artist or writer, but only that you express the innermost yearnings and visualizations in some outward way.

There was a first believer in every deity ever worshipped, every heaven and hell ever dreamt of and every universe that now exists as part of what we call "reality."  By recognizing that "you are gods!" You can begin to take charge of your own fate and become the authors of your own ways. For it is we, not the Most High, who determine the laws of society and spirit, and it is we who are bound by our self-imposed rules and limitations. But for anyone who would fashion for themselves their own perfect paradise, I have these words of advise: 1) Be totally authentic with yourself as to what you want (positive, negative, otherwise), 2) Make an effort to day-dream about this place with purpose and routine, and 3) Pray. All things are possible for the God of gods.

Here in this website, is contained my own personal day-dream of what I want heaven to be for me. It is very different from the traditional vision. It would be heaven only for those who are true lovers of fantasy-fiction genre: swords and sorcery, might and magic, dungeons and dragons, brave knights and damsels in distress. We are the dream that dreams... we are real dreams. The only limit is your own ability to imagine--whether you desire a simple cottage in a beautiful forest, or a mountain top castle in the clouds, or even an entire world or universe, it is in your hands. God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, and you are a born of that God (which makes you a god and a co-creator/destroyer with The God).

You have been trained to think God is this or that, and that God wants you to do this or that. But I tell you true, God's measure of righteousness is your devotion and relationship with God. The Most High is the Lord of the Light and the Dark, the ruler of both the heavens and the hells. Jesus may want you to do only good... but Jesus worshipped another.

In the spiritual realm, believing is seeing.  In my belief system, the personal heaven is called an "aeon." What follows is my Aeon Rising. Called into being by faith, hope, desire, vision, imagination, and prayer. Sealed with worship and service in the way of Balance, the way of The One.  This is the promise of my Lord--and my Lord loves me without judgment or condition. My lord created the day and the night, the high and the low, the masculine and the feminine, the electron and the proton, the lion as well as the lamb, the tidal wave and the spring showers, the shark and dolphin.........................

Paradise Of Neutralism

A Religion For Dreamers

The Gray Temple

The Forgotten Realms

The Nations of Dragonlance

The Lands of Greyhawk

Alternate Earth: Aerth

Hidden Land of Oz


Counter-Earth: Barbaric Gor

Diverse Realms Of Mystara

The Kingdoms of Kalamar

Warring Realms of Cerilia

Nations of Narnia

Realms of Middle Earth

Other Lands (Yours Here)