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The World Of Aerth (A Parallel Earth)

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Aerth is a parallel Earth, without the civilization of our own reality. It is a fantasy-fiction genre, with all the wonderful trappings and standard features that that entails. There is very little to be said about Aerth, since I myself have not studied much about it. I have included the only solid link I could find (above), and hope. You will also find the gods of Aerth listed according to relevant correspondence, here:  

Aeonic God List

In Erea, Aerth is simply a cluster of continents that look very much like the continental arrangement of our own present world. The changes to Aerth are of course 1) The moons, and 2) That the continents of Aerth are only one cluster among numerous others. 

It is for those who wish to spend their afterlife in or roleplay in Aerth of Erea to research it. There is a series of novels about the world, which you can find information on at or by going to and doing a simple search for "Aerth". I will try to provide more links and information sites as I find them. :) 

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