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The Realms Of Abeir-Toril

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One of the most detailed and elaborately chronicled AD&D campaign settings (= worlds in a box), is called "The Forgotten Realms." The technical name of this imaginary world is "Abeir-Toril". 

This imaginary world now exists as part of the larger reality of Aeon, fused together with other fantasy planets into the single super-globe of "Erea." This does not mean that there are not billions of other probable worlds of magick and might in the universe of Aeon, only that the most prominent realms of our current time and reality are melded together in one solar system and planetary body. 

There are several great land masses in this campaign setting, each anthologized by TSR Inc. and Wizards of the Coast Inc. within various box and book sets.  Rather than parts of the world of Abeir-Toril, however, these continents and regions are to be considered individual continents among hundreds of others within the world of Erea.

Below you will find links that can take you to different areas contained within the FR sphere, which will in turn lead to other relevant pages and links to other sites where one can further explore these continents. If you are familiar with or intend to familiarize yourself with any AD&D setting within the framework of Aeon Rising, you should recognize that Erea is an alternate reality to the standard settings, and thus, there are some large differences between the original and the infused versions. One primary difference is the "4" moons, not to mention the rearrangement of landmasses and inter-continental influences that would not exist in the originals. Not all four moons need be visible to every continent, but overall they will be seen at different times of the year. However, beyond a few geographical/ astronomical variations, each setting from Forgotten Realms is to be considered at least 90% true to the original materials presented by AD&D sources. 

As far as my afterlife goes, I love aspects of all the settings I have commandeered; but I leave the establishment of absolute continuity and the filling in of all those gaping holes of detail, to The One & The Many, Supreme Lord of All Realities & Dreams. As it is written in the Book of Ephesians, so let it be done: Immeasurably More That All I Ask Or Imagine!" Amen & Cacama! 


Notes On Different Lands: 

The FR Setting parallels, in many respects, the history and culture of Earth, caught somewhere between the Bronze and the Renaissance Ages. Faerun is very much like late Medieval and Early Renaissance Europe. Maztica has similarities to Central and South America during the time of Cortez. The Shining South is very Middle Eastern. Kara-Tur is one of the primary campaign areas of AD&D's "Oriental Adventures." The Jungles of Chult could be anywhere in South-East Asia or other jungle/tropical regions and is still very primitives (like the greater majority of Erea's continents). Lastly, the Old Empires parallel the oldest empires on Earth--Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, etc...   

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