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The Lands of Oerth

^ Greyhawk Maps ^

The Greyhawk Campaign Setting is older than Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance, and very well developed. It seems to be a hybrid form of the early Dungeons & Dragons "Mystara" setting, updated and tailored for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rpg. 

The overall theme of Greyhawk has been the war between evil races and gods vs. humans and demi humans. In effect, good vs. evil.  It is a fairly typical fantasy setting, definitely a "Classic World."  This means that it has all the standard races of the genre (goblins, hobgoblins, trolls, elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, etc...), as well as the typical medieval/dark age settings and technological levels. In another words, it is the standard 'swords and sorcery, might and magic, dungeons and dragons' world. I rather like it myself, for it was the first 'world in a box' I ever bought; and so it holds for me a certain nostalgia.

There are a large number of novels and game accessories related to this world setting, as well as numerous websites. 

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