4/7/04 11:19PM: Feedback
— I'm not expecting very many people to come here because this site blows!
4/3/04 11:30PM: First Post on New Site
—WELCOME! This is my first official posting on my new and improved web site. I'm going to explain all sorts of stuff, so this will probably be the longest posting ever. I've added all of my previous flash animations plus a recent new one. It's called Poseidon, and it's only there because I made it for english class, so it's very short (but it loops) and almost educational. Make sure you click the Flash Animations link over on the left side at first rather than the individual links at the top, because the Flash Animations page is cool. The graphic title of the website you see at the top and in the upper-left corner I made in Macromedia Fireworks, the Macromedia equivalent of photoshop. If anyone has any suggestions as to a different name for my site, I'm all ears. I added a poll to the upper right corner, which I intend to update regularly. In the bottom right, I put links to various cool other websites. Above this space I put a quote which I also intend to update regularly, and below this space is a space for images which I might pull from other websites, or wherever I find one fit to go there. Obviously this space here is for site news and information, and to the left, under Recent Updates, I will list which specific pages I update and when, beside the main page (that will become more important as I create more pages). I put a counter in the bottom right hosted by Bravenet. It's supposed to ignore my hits when I view my own website. Finally, the most important differences on this site from my old one are the additions of a message board and a good guestbook, which you have probably already noticed. They are both hosted by Bravenet, which is a great service for web developing tools. The only problem with them is that they put advertising in them, but it's not bad. There's just a banner ad or two. Also, the message board is limited to 250 postings, although it has unlimited characters and html space for each entry. The guestbook can hold up to 2,000 entries, but it has limited entry space. I believe it's 2,000 characters each. If the message board approaches its limit, I will begin searching for a different message board host, but for now it's quite adequate. Oh yeah, and those cool little silver animated buttons to the board and the guestbook over there to the left, they came directly from Bravenet, but there was an advertisement attached to them. So using my new HTML skills, I successfully removed the ad, leaving just the cool button. Please feel free to post anything and everything on my message board. In these coming weeks soon after the launch of my site, I'd especially appreciate any comments, questions, and complaints about my website. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning of my new and improved website, so the content will probably change as well as the very layout and design. I'm open to any suggestions, especially something to add to this front page. Well, I think that just about covers it. Explore, have fun, watch my new animation, vote in the poll, sign the guestbook, and most importantly: use the message board. |