::Review>>New Layout being put up? (7-28-03 at 11:40am)
Finally! A new Layout!
We thought it was about time to make ourselves a decent layout. The downfall of that is, it will take us about a month. None of the links will really be up! So if you happen to stumbled upon this little realm, please come back soon. Really, nothing to see as of now!
::Review>>Still Under Construction (7-28-03 at 11:40am)
Under Construction?
Odium is still under construction. Only a few links work, but more will be available to view in about a few weeks. Please feel free to look around, the staff of Odium will try and update the website as much as possible. We opened Odium so people can get a feel of what they can expect if they decide to join our realm. Thanks for your understanding.
::Review Continued>>Odium's Setting (7-24-03 at 2:16am)
Why Western?
Medieval doesn't appeal to everyone, some people actually like being able to shoot someone's head off with a gun. And we like the idea too. There are many realms with medieval RP and we did't feel like creating another one. However we know western RP won't appeal to everyone either, that's why the internet offers a variety of different realms such as: Ayenee and Eden.
::Review>>Odium's Setting (7-24-03 at 2:13am)
Setting of Odium
Odium is set in a remote Solar System named Zorden. Only several thousand light years away from Earth. Odium resembles the western period of Earth where outlaws and guns seem to be the means to surviving. Magic however has its involvement and has it's own limitations. Odium allows only certain types of magic to be used. (Sorry people who want to use a black hole as a means to kill your opponent.) Magic usage is little here in Odium and can only be obtained if you earn it (objects, quests, defeat of a opponent who posses a certain ability) no one is born with magic abilities. That's what we mean by a western setting, guns..bows and arrows, lances and axes. Whatever used in the western time period as far as weaponry goes you can use it in Odium.
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