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Which Buffy Guy Would Be Your Best Match?

Who will it be? Riley, Angel, Spike, Xander, or Oz? Take the quiz to find out :-).

1. Is he human?:
a) Yes. Sometimes he laughs like a hyena though...
b) No, he's a vampire and lovin' it.
c) As long as there's not a full moon...
d) He's as human as you can get.
e) No, he's a repressed vampire.

2. He is one:
a) funny guy
b) rebel w/o a cause
c) cool cat
d) gentleman
e) tortured soul

3. Guess who likes you. He:
a) gets close to you as a friend, in hopes you will someday see that he is the one for you.
b) goes into "pursue and seduce" mode.
c) invites you to see him and his band.
d) asks your friends for pointers on how to get to know you better.
e) will show up randomly at places you hang out at, looking all sexy and mysterious.

4. A couple of vampires corner you and your crush one night. Your boy:
a) makes wisecracks to distract them away from you, then runs to get help with the vamps chasing after him.
b) laughs at your misfortune, but if things get reaaaaally serious, he'll help you out.
c) grabs your hand and runs!
d) kicks ass, of course, and makes sure you are safe.
e) simply looks at them. Once they realize who they are dealing with, they'll scamper away real soon.

5. You piss him off. What did you do?:
a) did something he knows you know is bad for you.
b) ignored him.
c) played games.
d) made him feel like he wasn't needed.
e) didn't listen to his advice.

6. He pisses you off. What did he do?:
a) made too many sarcastic comments.
b) came on a little too strong.
c) showed no emotion.
d) exactly what he was told to do... but by someone other than you.
e) disappeared for awhile to brood.

7. You love that he:
a) sees the best in you.
b) accepts your pms moments.
c) sees through all pretenses, is very intelligent and wise.
d) would do anything for you.
e) loves you enough to trust again.

8. You wish you could:
a) give him some self-confidence.
b) give him some morals.
c) show him it's okay to make mistakes.
d) show him that change is sometimes a good thing.
e) make his past happier.

9. He likes you because:
a) you laugh at his jokes and appreciate him.
b) you are somewhat unattainable.
c) you admire his smarts and calm approach to life.
d) you're not afraid to cry on his shoulder or ask him for help.
e) you understand his moods and make him happy.

10.What do other people think of him?:
a) he's lovable, geeky, a goofball.
b) he's sly, manipulative, intense.
c) he's stoic, witty, perceptive.
d) he's "Teutonic" (haha), studious, loyal.
e) he's angsty, protective, mysterious.

That's it! Add up your answers and hope you get "cowboy guy" ;-):

Mostly A's
Mostly B's
Mostly C's
Mostly D's
Mostly E's