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Harry Potter Crush Quiz for Girls

Though the students at Hogwarts aren't real, isn't it fun to imagine who you would be most compatible with? Well, I think it is. I've made separate quizzes for guys and girls assuming you want to end up with someone of the opposite sex. If not, just click on the gender that isn't yours. Kay? Now take the quiz.

1. We all know what's most important here. Is he a cutie?:
a) those green eyes and that dark, messy hair... ::sighs dreamily::.
b) Mmmm... tall, freckled, and handsome, what more do you want?
c) Yeah he is. Pale, with light eyes and light hair... how.. angelic? Wait, I think I'm looking for another word...
d) I really only concentrate on one thing in a guy. Let me give you a hint: it has a cute nickname and he carries it around with him everywhere. His pet toad of course! What were you thinking of? ;-)

2. We all know family is important. Not your own family, mind you, but the dreaded inlaws. Pick your poison:
a) eh, who needs parents. Love is all I need...
b) the bigger family the better. I've always wanted a bunch of siblings.
c) a wizarding family, pure-blood of course.
d) parents aren't all that important to me. But I've always wanted a nice grandmother...

3. Okay, so you and your dream guy like each other. How does he let you know?:
a) He blushes whenever I try to strike up a conversation with him. He hasn't had much experience with dating, but at least he got up the nerve to ask me to the winter dance.
b) He gets really pissy whenever I spend time with other guys who aren't his friends. He still won't admit he likes me though.
c) He tends to make fun of others more when I'm around.
d) He'll look at me and then trip over his own feet or walk into a wall, things like that.

4. Would you say he is loyal to his friends?:
a) Yep, they are inseperable. Sometimes they'll fight, but it blows over pretty quickly.
b) Yep, he hangs out with people who tend to overshadow him. But he's good about it and it isn't always that way.
c) Well, when it's convenient. He needs people to back him up, listen to him brag, etc.
d) Yes. He looks out for his buddies and tries to get them to be less reckless.

5. And more importantly, loyal to you?:
a) If I'm in danger he wouldn't hesistate to help me out. It's more of the every day stuff that I'm not so sure about.
b) Yeah, though I think his friends take precedence.
c) Yeah, if he has something to gain from it. If not, no such luck.
d) He certainly does try to be, though I wish I could depend on him more. Ya know, to not knock over something when we're trying to sneak past Filch.

6. Someone is majorly hitting on you and you are trying to make it clear you are taken. Your guy reacts by:
a) getting sulky and then marching on over to put his arm around me or something like that.
b) getting sulky and then stomping off. I'll have to comfort him later.
c) putting a curse on Mr. Flirtatious.
d) um, doing nothing. He knows I can handle it. Besides, he doens't like to cause a confrontation.

7. The tables are turned, and someone is hitting on your guy. How do you feel?:
a) Pretty okay. Chances are he won't even notice.
b) Alright. He'll blush and stutter because someone's paying attention to him, but that's all.
c) If he's in a bad mood he'll snap at them, but if not...
d) Surprised. This is the first time I've had competition.

8. Your dream guy has had a horrible day. How do you know?:
a) He's pretty quiet at first, and then he blows up at everyone. I'll hear him yelling even if I'm in the Forbidden Forest.
b) He makes sarcastic comments and puts himself down a lot.
c) He'll complain about everyone and expect me to listen.
d) He tends to get panicky and make a lot of mistakes, like tipping over his cauldron in Potions for the third time.

9. What are his dreams and ambitions?:
a) to be an Auror and get rid of You-Know-Who once and for all.
b) to play in the Quidditch world cup and help get rid of You-Know-Who.
c) to make his father proud and be on the winning side.
d) to avenge the tragedy that befell his parents.

10. Come on now, you can admit it. What is his worst quality, achille's heel, downfall, etc?:
a) his temper. You don't want to get on his bad side.
b) insecurity. He's not as sure of himself as he should be.
c) lack of compassion. He doesn't care about people's feelings, only how useful they are to him.
d) lack of confidence. He rarely believes in himself, but when he does, he accomplishes great things.

11. And best attribute?:
a) his bravery and daring. He'll go to the ends of the earth to help out someone he cares about.
b) his loyalty. He is a huge help to his friends and thinks of others more than he thinks of himself.
c) his resourcefulness and cunning. Somehow, he'll get ahead.
d) his determination. He doesn't give up and won't sacrifice his values just because people may want him to.

That's it! Add up your answers:

Mostly A's
Mostly B's
Mostly C's
Mostly D's