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Harry Potter Crush Quiz for Guys

Though the students at Hogwarts aren't real, isn't it fun to imagine who you would be most compatible with? Well, I think it is. I've made seperate quizzes for guys and girls assuming you want to end up with someone of the opposite sex. If not, just click on the gender that isn't yours. Kay? Now take the quiz.

1. Now, let's get straight to the point. Hot or not? (Yes, I'm ripping off that frightening reality show).
a) I tend to only see two things... they're big, round, and beautiful... you can get lost in them forever. I'm talking about her eyes of course (what were you thinking?) ;-).
b) I'm a big fan of long, silky dark hair. And a nice smile.
c) Ah, red hair and freckles! Positively dreamy!
d) I go for the blonde and blue-eyed. Can't lose with a classic!

2. We all know family is important. Not your own family, mind you, but the dreaded inlaws. Pick your poison:
a) Hmmm... parents who don't know much about the wizarding world, only that their daughter is a part of it. Ignorance is bliss, I say.
b) Just a normal wizarding family is fine by me.
c) I like really big families... protective older brothers are just grand, too.
d) Eh, maybe a family that's well known.

3. Okay, so you and your dream girl like each other. How does she let you know?:
a) Well, she's a big help with homework and gives very good advice when I need it. In fact, I'd say she's one of my best friends.
b) Whenever I pass her in the hall she's giggling with a group of girls. She also smiles at me a lot. Sometimes, she even tries to talk to me alone, you know, just the two of us.
c) It used to be she was speechless when I was anywhere near her. Now, she's a bit more confident, and can initiate a normal conversation. Hey, it's a start.
d) She just stares at me a lot, with an intense yet slightly dreamy expression. She also has a habit of butting into conversations I'm having with my friends.

4. Would you say she is loyal to her friends?:
a) Yes, very much so. She still finds time for school work and her various causes, however.
b) Yes, exasperatingly so. She'll forgive them for almost anything, and it is really hard to talk to her when she's surrounded by pals all the time.
c) Um, I guess so but I'm not quite sure. She hangs around her brothers. A lot.
d) Friends? She has at the very most a couple. People think she's kinda, well, weird.

5. Would you say she's loyal to you?:
a) Yes, though when it comes down to it her friends are more important.
b) I hope so. Her crushes don't seem to last very long.
c) Yes. She seems to know when something is wrong and has a calming effect on me.
d) Yeah, she is there in a crisis even though I would rather not put her in any danger.

6. Someone is majorly hitting on you and you are trying to make it clear you are taken. Your girl reacts by:
a) getting huffy and saying something snobbish to the flirt.
b) getting jealous and running away in tears.
c) letting you handle it because she trusts you.
d) staring at the offender until they get scared and go away.

7. The tables are turned, and someone is hitting on your girl. How do you feel?:
a) fine. They should know not to bother her when she is studying because she'll bite their head off in a second.
b) worried. You're never completely sure how she'll react.
c) oh man, not again! This always happens.
d) surprised. Guys don't usually pay much attention to her.

8. Your dream girl has had a horrible day. How do you know?:
a) She's very irritable and snaps at anyone who comes near her. She's most likely stressing about her grades, though she shouldn't be because she's very smart.
b) A poor first year has drowned in the puddle of her tears.
c) you've never really seen her mad.
d) you can barely tell. She's her same, dreamy self, probably because she has to deal with this all the time.

9. What are her dreams and ambitions?:
a) to free the world of prejudice, having been a target of it herself at times.
b) you don't think she's sure yet; she's having a rough year.
c) you don't think she's sure yet, but she does seem to have a good head on her shoulders.
d) Dreams? She pretty much lives in a dream.

10. Come on now, you can admit it. What is her wrost quality, achille's heel, downfall, etc?
a) she can be awfully anal about rules. Type A personality to the extreme.
b) she's kind of indecisive and overly emotional.
c) perhaps too much of a guy's girl.
d) too passive and accepting. She's content to let the world pass her by.

11. And best attribute?:
a) her amazing mind and common sense. She's very wise and helpful to others.
b) she gets along well with people and knows how to make someone feel good.
c) she's a very good listener and friend, but keeps true to who she is.
d) her empathy. She knows what pain is like, and is very tolerant of those who don't handle it well.

That's it! Add up your answers:

Mostly A's
Mostly B's
Mostly C's
Mostly C's