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Harry Potter House Quiz

We all know Hogwarts is real... if only in our hopeful minds. Like me, you may have wondered what house you would fit into. Well, this is your chance to find out of you are a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. Simply answer the questions and add up how many A's, B's, C's, and D's you have.

1) You've just received the Hogwarts acceptance letter! Since you are in a wizarding family, you can barely contain your excitement. To make the summer days go by faster, you:
a) read all of the books you can get your hands on about Hogwarts and magic.
b) get in some practice with spells by making your little sister say "Moo," and eat grass. Can't hurt to know the "act like a cow" spell ;-).
c) make sure to spend time with your Muggle friends before you leave.
d) decide to jump off your roof with the broom stick in the pantry in an effort to get ahead in Quidditch. Ouch.

2) You're walking the streets of Hogsmead purchasing all of your Very Wicked school supplies. You spot a pet store and decide to check it out. Hmmmm... so many choices... which familiar will you choose?:
a) the cat, of course. Everyone knows they are a symbol of wisdom.
b) the owl. It looks cool and you need a way to send mail.
c) the toad. It's small and portable, so you can bring it along with you everywhere.
d) er, none of those. You need something more exciting then the standard familiars, like a niffler or even a dragon. You're sure you'll be able to keep it hidden somehow...

3) Soon you're on the Hogwarts Express, nearly jumping out of your seat with anticipation. Wait, sit right back down. Harry Potter asks if the seat next to you is taken. What do you say?:
a) Yes! You're curious to find out if he's better at magic than everyone else and if he can perhaps teach you something.
b) Yes! You want someone famous on your side.
c) Sure! It would be interesting to have a friend like him.
d) Definitely! You think it's awfully courageous of him to survive You-Know-Who and you want to get to know him better.

4) Uh oh, run in with Draco Malfoy. He just insulted Harry and Harry looks like he'd rather be anywhere but on the train. How do you react?:
a) After Draco's left, try to cheer him up by reasoning that they'll most likely end up in different houses so he won't have to deal with him much.
b) Inwardly laugh at Malfoy's joke, but keep the giggles to yourself. You want to see which one is more powerful before choosing sides.
c) Share your Bertie Botts with Harry and chuck them at Malfoy's head when he isn't looking. Heh heh.
d) Tell Malfoy off right then and there. He needs to know that picking on your friends is not a recreational activity.

5) You're finally here! You've just been sorted and directed to your house's common room. You decide to:
a) get some rest. You need sleep to do your best in classes tomorrow.
b) get to know everyone and try to figure out who will be your biggest asset.
c) write a letter to your sister telling her about your train ride with Harry Potter.
d) explore the various passages of Hogwarts and think about how to avoid Filch late at night.

6) It's your first day of classes and you want to make a good impression. So, you:
a) raise your hand for every question to show you studied over the summer.
b) ask a friend to knock over Neville's ink bottle to make a distraction so you can copy their quiz answers.
c) work hard and set up a study group to more easily handle the zounds of homework.
d) volunteer every time a teacher asks to demonstrate a skill so they know you aren't afraid of making mistakes.

7) Your crush just smiled at you and you have butterflies in your stomach. Now he/she's heading your way! Quick! What do you do?:
a) show off by chattering about your good marks in Transfiguration.
b) smile back and shoo away your buddies.. you don't want them to embarrass you.
c) stand your ground, stutter a hi, and offer to walk him/her to their next class.
d) levitate a Hershey's Kiss in his/her direction and hope they get the hint ;-).

8) Oh, crap. Seems as though your romantic efforts were all for nothing. You see your crush walking hand in hand with a popular cutie. Heartbroken, you:
a) put more effort into your school work and try not to think about it.
b) plot ways to get revenge. Bubbling boils, anyone?
c) hope that you can be friends and invite him/her along with you on group outings. Hey, the relationship can't last forever...
d) think up of ways in which you win his/her heart by saving them from something dangerous. Maybe you can convince them to explore the Forbidden Forest with you...

9) Yay! Your crush dumped the loser and has asked you to the Winter Dance! You:
a) Beam happily and comtemplate blowing off your homework for once.
b) Turn him/her down. You've decided you can't risk a potentially negative effect on your reputation.
c) grin and play match maker with all of your buddies.
d) What? Someone ask you to the dance? You already asked him/her, and that's why they're not going out with the loser anymore.

10) Hagrid, the gameskeeper, has conned you into taking care of his dragon while he's away. You:
a) read up on how to avoid getting scorched, then proceed very carefully.
b) let a teacher know Hagrid is illegally keeping a dragon. This should earn you some house points..
c) ask your friends to help you shoulder the responsibility. You would do the same for them..
d) take care of the dragon, obviously. They're really just misunderstood, and besides, fire is cool! (as long as you don't get flamed :-/).

11) You must have made a mistake because the dragon flew away! When Hagrid comes back you:
a) Try to reason with him to ease the guilt. The dragon really belongs in the wild..
b) have already replaced the missing dragon with a similar looking one. What he doesn't know can't hurt him..
c) Fess up and offer to find him a newer, safer pet.
d) sneak out of Hogwarts and go on a search for the run-away dragon. If you can just find it before Hagrid realizes it's gone...

12) Remember Harry Potter, the famous kid from the train? He's just saved Hogwarts from You Know Who. Again. You:
a) think he must be really intelligent to demonstrate so much knowledge about the Dark Arts.
b) are annoyed. Who does he think he is, anyway? Always getting attention..
c) smile and remember fondly how you urged him not to sneak out in the middle of the night. You didn't want him to get in trouble.
d) know about this already. You were there and you helped him through it, of course. Friends don't let friends defeat evil alone.

That's it! Add up your answers:

Mostly A's
Mostly B's
Mostly C's
Mostly D's