"'Yet who would hold his dearest back,
And who would count his loss but gain'
In Memory of our Heroes
Memorial Day."
"Your Flag and my flag,
The Flag that flies above;
The nation where we work and live,
The country that we love."
"Our Flag, the Flag of Liberty,
The Flag that flies for you and me;
Upheld by Right from day to day-
The Stars and Stripes are here to stay!"
"For since man first together came
In righteous bonds no other name
Has borne a purer fairer fame."
A Decoration Day post card.
"In Triumph Shall Wave!"
"Long may she wave"
"But his soul goes marching on." The
artwork, by Ellen H. Clapsaddle, on this Memorial Day post card, is from
"The Army and Navy forever". Another Memorial Day post card by
Ellen H. Clapsaddle.
A Decoration Day post card.
"Then ring the bells and fire the guns, And
fling the starry banner out!"
"O flag born of the spirit, And the blood
our fathers shed;
We have no fear while thy bright stars And
bars wave overhead."