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Friday, April 25, 2003
Special | Nate | Michelle | Nick | P3tra | Me




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:"Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite":



Edward Westveer Forbes;"Mountain Man"; Wes

Birthday: d Libra; October 18

Favorite band/music: Hard rock of all kinds, techno, Metallica (favorite band), heavy metal bands (mostly circa 1980's, the stuff on 101), AFI, Misfits, Guns & Roses, AC/DC

What do you do in your spare time?: Tinker on cars and play games.

Something no one knows about you?: I've got three nuts (just kidding); I'm a hopeless, cheesy romantic.

Weirdest thing you've done: Can't really give just one.

Future plans/hopes/dreams?: To own my own Autoshop.

Fantasies [lol]: For Holly to sleep beside me at night.

Website or livejournal link?: nothing as of yet

Links to kewl places on the web or things people should check out aka your favorite places to go on the web:

  • miniclips
  • flowglow

Why your special: I've got Holly.

My favorite things:
Movies: Romance, Action; of the moment Life or Something Like It
All vampire and gore books (Laurell K. Hamilton, Anne Rice)
shooter games






























Here's some random Wes-ness:

-Back in the day-

(1) long "billowing" hair (teehee)
(2) wes and me in darryl's room

(4) At Numbers


(1) Valentine Party
(2 )Aniversary Icon
(3)Me Cross-eyed
(4) Sitting at 1st Colony Mall

Wes at a Convention for Medicine Man or something (he works at a pharmacy)

Our Song: Yellow by Coldplay

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This site and all things within are copyrighted by ME... © Holly Newman 2003 so don't make me tell your mom that your stealing. Actually it's fine with me, I don't really see what you would take, but if you do want something just ask ME or just take it but don't sell it or take credit for it. Well, hell I don't care if you even brag to your friends about it, just don't be a weasel and get profit from other people's work. Hmmm..ya just email me if you want something!!!! It's so easy and done in 3 steps or less, I promise...