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 "The pure ones"  
Servant of the gods
20 Years Old
Stands 5 ft 4 in in height
Eyes and Hair Black

Her life in Egypt was blissful. The family happy and close knit in their comfortable life. The Y'Alla's held a noble status, but it wasn't one that was flaunted or used as a source of power. They held a small estate, in comparison to most, within the rich area of Cairo, with Temples of Bast they headed in their home area, as well as in Giza and Alexandria. Her mother was the High Priestess of Bast, who took personally to seeing that not only herself, but her brother Enneas. Life was good, that was until the outbreak of war. Her older brother left to fight along side the J'Atars, an allied family, only to fall in the honor of a Warrior, leaving behind a wife - Arura, and a daughter - Jasefera. Tragedy would not leave that small family alone. Hematuin would be the source to Jasefera's death at the age of ten. Anubis, the God, to be the source to which she'd lose her sister Arura, several years later.

It was during this war that she became involved with the rebellion against the Prince of Lower Egypt. It would be during this war, that she would be asked to undertake a mission. It wasn't one to place her in danger, or so many thought. The Temples of Bast had been under attack, with man power low due to most being away to fight the onslaught of the Princes armies, it left far and few behind to defend the sacred grounds. This was her mothers way of seeing to her daughters saftey. They had heard that the Prince had commissioned ships to set sail. Not to areas of their own land, but to one thousands of miles away. They had no understanding of why he was extending his reach. Once the area of travel was founded, she would set sail before the Prince. To find the reasoning for his going there and forewarn all there, if necessary.

Soon she found herself within the Kingdoms of Heathfield and Ballicastle. The reason was quite clear as to the Prince's travel, the family J'Atar had settled here, along with the Guardian and Sheild Maiden of Sobek.  She saw to offering her warnings, that the Dark Prince was only a matter of weeks behind her arrival in appearing. It was during this, that she happened upon her sister Arura, who had also traveled to these lands. Arura had arrived to contiue the alliance between the Y'Allas and J'Atars. In the end, it would be the cause of her death. Arura was an Assassin, but she died with the honor of a warrior, if you can title it that with being tortured and murdered.  

Her own fate and destiny would take a change as well. Instead of just staying long enough to offer her warning, then return home, she found herself now involved in the war that had shifted to foreign shores. Hunted by a God herself, doing what she could to assist the J'Atars, her life took on a new change and her homeland of Egypt was becoming nothing more than a memory. Hope would be kept that her family remained safe, and that one day they would all be reunited to live a happy life yet again. Such a fairy tale that would turn out to be. Happiness fleeting. Alone in a strange world, that was how she felt anymore. Spending all her time within the sanctity of the Temple, at least there she didn't feel disassociated or disoriented. Regret growing daily for having left the warmth of the sands, thoughts strongly drifting towards her possible return.