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The Entombment of Taharka

Once the procession reached the Temple, the doors were closed behind them.  Guards were placed on the outside and in, with strict orders to not let anyone enter; not even her family until the stone was set into place.  They would move past the large stone images of their God, following the marble path between the lit oil sconce towers.  Somber was the mood of all gathered within, as none were willing participants of that which was about to transpire.  She didnot force them to enact, only informed them she would fine outsiders if she must.  If that was to happen, then there would be no guarantee to her saftey.  All agreed, although reluctant.

It would be to the alter of Sobek she would first move, to lay face down upon a staw mat before it.  Novices of the young Priestess would anoit her body with oils of Cedar and Palm Wine.  Then move around her with balls suspended from chains, the tiny holes released tendrils of smoke from the lit incense, Frankincense and myrrh, they contained.  She would be in silent prayer, preparing her mind, body and Ka for the event about to unfold.  The Novices of the young Priests would chant as they moved in a circular motion about her.

Soon the preperation would come to an end and she rose from her prone position before her God.  Guards lined both sides of the walls of the corridor that lead to the room chosen for this act.  The Priest walked before her, Priestesses to follow behind. The corridor sloped upwards, taking her past the second level, then onto the third.  

This was the room of the High Priest and Priestess, heiroglyphs depicting stories of each of the God's covered every inch of stone that comprised the four walls.  Windows that were usually open to the elements in her native lands, were enclosed here.  Crystal, cut into square blocks were set to close them off from the harsh elements these lands were known for.  This provided a prism of light to engulf the room, whcn the rays of the sun were cast upon them. The  peaked roof, the very top block was made of gold forged in a triangle.  Three side, each with a circular crystal set within, would do much like the windows when touched by light. At the present, the only piece of furniture in the room,hearth set against the northern wall was not lit.  Tonight it laid dormant, the only flicker of flame was that of the torchlight carried by the Novices.

The Priest's would encircle the bed, as the Priestesses would usher her there.  It was then she was laid upon it, ankles and wrists tied securely to each post.  They would then sprinkle the bed with fresh Blue and Pink Lotus flowers petals, dried Frankincense and Myrrh.  All chanted to their God, for the protection of the Guardian when she faced her God's for her judgement.  Then forward the youngest of the Priest would step, a small vial held in his hand as he approached her.  A few words spoken before the glass top was removed and a very potent mixture of Blue Lotus oil would be poured between her lips.  To most, that would have been lethal, but the tiny Egyptian had incurred a great tolerance, due to the fact the extracted oils were tended to by her own hand.

Once all was completed, the Priest and Priestesses would file out of the room.  The Temple Guards would then push the large stone door into place, a hollow echo resounded through the temple when it was pushed into the doors opening.  It was then the locks could be heard falling into place with distinct clicks.  The tomb was sealed, and there would be no way to open the door until the moon rose full faced into the sky, it's light to touch upon the golden triangle that rested atop the temple.  If clouds would be heavily cast that night and the beams of the moon light unable to reach the crystaline spheres, the locks would remain and her fate sealed until the next full moon.

As the procession left her in the room, a silence engulfed it until the grating of the stone against the floor would be heard.  The chanting had faded just before, then the clicks of the locks that sealed her fate.  She was now in the hands of her God's and their will to be control. Surrounded by darkness and utter silence.  She could hear the beat of  her heart and the sounds of each breath taken in, then released.  She could feel the Lotus Oil beginning to take effect over her.

It started as a warm tingling feeling, at the back of her throat, causing her to have to swallow several times. Slowly extending downwards and outwards, as her body began to feel numb.  Then there was the heightening sensation in her head, as if she was floating on air. It then effected her heart rate, as it began to slowly decrease, along with her breaths as her body system began to go into a catatonic state.  All concept of time no longer existed, as the darkness consumed her in full.

After a sensation of floating about in a void for a prolonged period of time.  Had it been moments, hours, or even days that had passed?  Unable to know for sure, all she knew is that she was being brought back into awareness, a swirling of colors all around her.  Vibrant hues of blues, reds, purple, greens, orange and yellow.  Pulsating as if each were a single heart beat, none to share an equal rhythm.  She found the sight to be beautiful and wonderous.  It made her feel small and insignifigant, that's how she knew what ever it was, it was greater than herself.

The colors began to intermix, blending into each other as each heart beat collided.  Slowly falling into a singular movement, until all the colors pulsated as one. A soft drumming to be heard there after, slowly getting louder.  Lashes began to flutter and her eyes slowly opened.  A soft glowing filled the room, the sensation it gave off was calming and warm.  It took several moments before her eyes opened in full and she was able to focus on that which surrounded her.

Head turned first to the right, a moment more before rich mohogany depths could focus upon the figure standing there.  There stood Thoth, arms crossed over the thickness of his muscular chest, wearing only a gold and whitelinen loin cloth. Thoth was the Egyptian moon deity DHwtj (Djehowtey or the like), god of learning, wisdom, and magic. He was the creator and orderer of the universe and the inventor of writing, arithmetic, and astronomy. Thoth, an Ibis-headed man carrying a pen and an ink holder. He was also a god of the Realm of the Dead, where he served as a clerk who recorded the judgments on the souls of the dead. At times, it was Thoth himself who weighed the >hearts of the dead against the feather of Truth in the Hall of the Two Truths.

It was then towards the foot of the bed her gaze would turn next.  Standing there was Sekhemet.  She was adorned in a beautiful thin gown made of gold and white colored silks. Each of her perfect curves were clung to by the material  as if it was a second skin. A goddess of Love and Protection, she was sometimes called "The Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time" and "Goddess of Vengeance". Healers often tried to enlist her in their fight against disease. The head of a lioness and holding an ankh.

It was then her head turned to the left to notate that Osiris stood there. Osiris represented the resurrection into eternal life. The color of his skin was as black as the very darkness of the night. His body is wrapped in white funeral cloths. In his hands he holds the crook and flail of kings and the scepter of the gods.

At his side stood his sister Isis. She was so beautiful, a smile would form upon her lips as she met the Goddesses eyes. She was wearing silks of red and gold, which seemed to cause her beauty to radiate even more. Isis was the mother goddess of fertility and nature. She is wearing on her head the horns of a cow, a solar disk. She has many titles, including Queen of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld, and Mother of Wheat.

Her head tipped back to see who stood at the head, two figures loomed over her looking down.  The first was her families God, Sobek. He too was adorned in a white and gold loin cloth.  Sobek was a sort of bodyguard to various gods, especially Ra and Set (in his original form), and having a similar function for the pharaoh. In times of need, he gives the pharaoh strength and fortitude so that he may overcome all obstacles. He also protects the pharaoh from all  harm, especially evil magic. He is the god who created the Nile, a god of fertility and rebirth, and the symbolic strength of the ruler of Egypt. Sobek was a fourfold deity. He represented the four elemental gods, Ra of fire, Shu of air, Geb of earth, and Osiris of water. A man with the head of a crocodile, wearing a solar disk and horns.

Standing beside him was the most powerful figure of them all. It was rare she would get a glimps of him, let alone to be laid out in his presence.  Dark gaze froze as it met the gaze of the powerful aura. Re was the sun god and creator god. Human musculature in form, wearing a loin cloth of solid gold. His falcon head, crowned with the sun disc encircled by the uraeus (a stylized representation of the sacred cobra).

It was then she felt something slither upon her, as weight could be felt on the flat of her stomach.  Dark gaze would be pulled from that of Ra's to rest upon the coiled serpent that rested atop of her.  At first she thought it was her fate, the cobra of death.  But then she sensed the reptile was more.  Settled upon her in comfort was Hathor herself.   Hathor, daughter of the Sun god Ra, was goddess of the sky and of love, mirth, and beauty. As the goddess of fertility as well, she personified the creative power of nature, Goddess of the Dead, the Eye of Ra.

Seven God's now surrounded her. She felt no malice, nor fear, only love.  This eminated from her without effort, and she could feel it over whelmingly returned.  They all moved closer to settle upon the bed at her side and feet.  No words were spoken, it was the sensations offered by each she absorbed.  So much more than meer words could ever explain.  

Hathor then rose up, her head to span wide as she began to slowly weave from side to side in an mesmorizing dance. The God's them began to softly hum, the melody had a near haunting chill in the way it sounded.  Hathor slowly crept upon her chest as the cobra moved close to her face.  She could feel the flickering of the serpents tongue against her cheek. Soft hissing would sound to common hearing, but to her own the lyrics to the melody would be sung ......."Confess to me our child, have you by your own hand broken the laws that were set before you by the goodness of Thoth?"  

Her eyes met those of the serpent looming over her, the barest of whispers to sound in her reply. "Not have I despised my God's...Not have I killed...Not have I fornicated...Not have I despoiled the things of the God's...not have I defiled the man of a wife...Not have I cursed my God's...Not have I borne false witness'."

The humming grew louder, she could feel it as it vibrated through her very being.  It was then she felt the hands of her God's as they lightly touched her in gentle caresses.  Such warmth she felt flowing through her, like a liquid fire.  Not  a discomforting sensation, one that seemed to place her more at ease.  

Once more Hathor would dance over her face, the hissing of the cobra again to form the words she could hear ....."Awake out of thy sufferings, O thou who liest prostrate. They (the gods) keep watch over thy head in the horizon  Thou art lifted up, thy word is truth in respect of the things which have been done by thee. Ptah hath cast down headlong thine enemies. This work was ordered to be done for thee."

A sense of relief flooded over her, in learning her God's held her not responsible.  What surprised her even more, is the revelation that her sister Ptah was the one who tended to the situation.  She knew her sister held connections, this was her eye opening to just how deep the veins ran into the underground.

Yet another situation that troubled her to be spoken of. "I am yet confused by so many other things, when will I learn the truth of what is to be, the visions you plague me with almost nightly now?"

Louder yet was that humming as Hathor would answer yet again....."The gods who are in the sky are brought to you, the gods who are on earth assemble for you, they place their hands under you, they make a ladder for you that you may ascend on it into the sky, the doors of the sky are thrown open to you, the doors of the starry firmament are thrown open for you."

The answer to be a riddle, one she was unable to comprehend; at least for the moment.  Then the final question that weighed heavily upon her, almost in fear it would be spoken in that soft whisper. "What of love, that between a mortal man and woman.  Will I ever be permitted such, or do I belong only to you?  Each beat of my heart to be the drumming of your own and not permitted to another?"

She felt the weight of Hathor shift, then slowly she began to withdraw.  Fear gripped her heart at that moment.  Had she angered them with her inquire?  Hurt them or even insulted?  It was then she felt the gentle caress of fingers against her cheek.  Her head turned slightly to gaze upon the face of Thoth.

Bending over her, she could see the gentlness of his gaze and feel his smile. "Your heart is ours, of that we have no doubt.  No matter what mortal man may try to claim it.  We love you as equally as you love us.  You are our child, our creation.  Unquestioningly you have done what we asked.  Your dedication will be rewarded with earthly rights.  One years time you must wait before dedication shall be allowed to another.  For you trials have yet been faced.  There is much still before you, to be founded in the truth."  He bent down then to place a tender kiss upon her lips before withdrawing back.

Still puzzled by their words, though she expected not a direct answer, the God's never worked that way.  Again a light touch upon her cheek, this time her head turned to see Osiris now leaning over her. "In death you have been reborn, the past offered to you as an experience of learning.  Too much has been given and has clouded your mind to  what we wished for you to see.  I shall remove that which is placing obsticals as they should never have been."  He then leaned forward to press his lips against her own in that tender embrace.  When they parted, all rememberances of loves in the past were removed from her memory.  Only the experiences she was ment to remember remained.

Again a gentle touch upon her cheek would have her turning to now gaze upon the face of Sobek. Dark eyes met his as he spoke to her. "Rememberances never easy, sometimes one choses to keep the truth locked away for preseravation of ones self. No matter how dark, it must be faced and accepted openly.  Without remorse, contemp, anger or vengence."  He would then lean forward to brush is lips upon her own, then slowly retract.

The warmth of yet another touch would now have her gazing in awe upon Ra.  The gentle warmth of his dimpled smilenbsp;to be seen, one that held a familiarity she could not place.  Leaning over her, his whisper to be heard near her ear. The sun shines upon you always in protection of my name, just as the moon with that of Thoth.  Never fear my child,  the truth will set you free to see the light and know what is expected of you and the path you must walk."  He would bend further, but unlike the others.  He kissed first her forehead, then over each eye before his lips barely brushed against her own before he withdrew.

It was then she realized her bonds had been relased, looking up to see Sekhment and Isis had relased that which held ankles and wrists into place.  It was then they stepped forward, each to place a kiss upon her cheek, then forehead.  No more words to be offered, they had all shared what was needed and her judgement had been passed.   A deep intake of breath as the gentle warmth of her dimpled smile would appear. "I love you all, more than life.  My loyalty and devotion upon you shall never waver or taken away."

We know." Sung in unison.  It was then they all laid hands upon her her and began to softly chant. "Sleep, sleep, for  when you awkaen, it will be more than you ever dreamed."