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  House of J'Atar
Shadows of Egypt SL


Members of the House of Y'Alla



Map and Hematuin's Intro


Meet the members of the House of J'Atar









Amenemhet IV


Nekhau J'Atar





Tarik Okpara Yafeu
Warrior ~ Murdered

Nymphaea Caerule

Zacheus Domenc
Ghost Rider

Akhenaten Reshef
High Priest of Set

Hematuin ~
The Dark Prince

Amarna Y'Alla
House of Bast

Arura Y'Alla ~ House of Bast
Murdered by Anubis

Chamaat Meryt


(All pictures are of actors and models)



Meet the J'Atars


- Noble House of the Crocodile - J'Atar -
Followers of Sobek

Amenemhet III - Father - 50 years old -  Caliph - Murdered
Nebheteptycred - Mother - 35 years old - Murdered

Senaquist - Son - 37 years old - Warrior/Judical Authority - Murdered
Zaphnath-paaneah - Son - 33 years old - Assassin - Caliph of the House of J'Atar 
Rekhmire - Son - 32 years old - Brew Master
Refferin - Wife of Rekhmire - 30 years old - House Mistress - Murdered
*Their children:
*Sekhmirre - Daughter - 18 years old - Scribe

Amenemhet IV - Son - 30 years old - Warrior
Farrin - Wife of Amenemhet IV - 28 years old - Judical Scribe - Murdered
*Their children:
*Saharra-Nefu - daughter- 19 years old - Scribe
*Hetaten - Son - 16 years old - Warrior

Anhur - Son - 29 years old - Twin to Sithathorre - Priest of Sobek

Sithathorre - Daughter - 29 years old - Twin to Anhur - Priestess of Sobek
 (Widow )
* Her children:
*Deshratu - Daughter - 15 years old - Priestess of Sobek  

Heshire - Son - 28 years old - Physician
Sahure - Son - 26 years old - Import/Export 

Ptahneferu - Daughter - 24 years old - Import/Export
Nekhau - Son - 23 years old - Warrior

  Taharka - Daughter - 22 years old - Prophet/Astrologist
Guardian of the Gods Secrets
Married to Sir Trevor Cairns 
  Sobekneferu ( Desert Rose ) - Daughter - 20 years old - Shield Maiden -
Married to Sir Kevin Finnerty 

(If you'd be interested in playing a family member, or associate to the J'Atars, please email TaharkaJAtar@aolcom or
(Green - Open Characters ..... Blue - Charcacters claimed)

Temple Guards

Havier Alamer ~38 years old ~ Guard Commander

Senquis Jetti ~ 32 years old ~ Second in Command

Yezaraphat Tenqu ~ 35 years old ~ Guard

Ekment Sahph ~ 28 years old ~ Guard

Nemmen Vemat ~ 28 years old ~ Guard

Tappaur Meur ~ 25 years old ~ Guard

Sorcphet Deneur ~ 24 years old ~ Guard

Amenapuer Zemenit ~ 20 years old ~ Guard



Friends, Foes and Associates of the House of J'Atar

Tarik Okpara Yafeu - Warrior - Childhood friend of Anhur - 28 years old - Murdered/Reborn through Set(h)/Anubis -  Vengence Rider of the Gods

Heru'aken Basuret Menkurere Usermaatre Setepenre - Lord High Royal General - 30+ years - Noble Lord of Cyprus, House of Horus

Nymphaea Caerule - Qaina - 18 Years old

Zacheus Domenc - Ghost Rider/Reborn Dark Rider - Age unknown

Akhenaten Reshef - Priest - 28 Years old - In service of Set(h)

Sanura Djari - Qaina - 19 Years Old

Hematuin - The Dark Prince/Pharoah of Egypt - 23 Years Old

Imenahkt - House of Sehmerkhet - 29 years old

Amarna Y'Alla - Priestess - House of Bast - 20 Years Old

Enneas Y'Alla - Priest - House of Bast - 19 Years Old

Armohnd Sibuna - Enforcer of Anubis/Dark Riders - Age Unknown

Anubis - God of the Dead - Age Unknown

Set(h) - God of Evil and Chaos - Age Unknown

Chamaat Meryt - Qaina - 19 years old

Miltani - General of Hematuin's Army - 29 years old

Tarchun-dara - Hematuin's Champion - 26 years old

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(J'Atar © Copyright: All SL's associated the J'Atar and Y'alla name are property of Taharka J'Atar & Amarna Y'Alla muns ... The J'Atar/Y'Alla SL created in 2002-2005.)