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The land of Egypt stretches as far as the eye could see, from the blue Mediterranean, to the outer fringes of Ethiopia, on the doorstep to Lebanon, and way into western Libya. The Egyptian Kingdom stood at the height of its power and influence, and Rome still a nation of power had yet to rise to rule the old world. The fading empires of Persia, and Carthage remained having yet to fall to Roman Power. The Greek States remaining independent had yet to be trodden upon under the iron grip of Rome as well. The Golden Age of Egypt was just ending as the Dark Prince Hematuin took the Armies and began to build his own kingdom within Egypt. Upon his birth 21 years ago in which he was cut from his mothers belly, many would say that he was conceived, and born of blood a premonition of things to come. His father killed shortly after his birth by rebellious servants whom then fled never to be captured. The young child was adopted by his Uncle the Pharaoh Nefu I, trained in the art of battle, diplomacy, and many other things a young noble must know to survive within the unstable ever changing Government of Egypt. Swiftly finding his place within the Armies of the Pharaoh and rising to the Rank of Grand Commander. The Prince's name swiftly spread through the lands of Egypt with his brutal nature, vicious tactics, and skill with the blade the title of "The Black Asp". As the years grew longer and the Prince's influence, fear, and power spread through the lands he had conquered, his eyes were opened to the true world and how his beloved Uncle true colors were revealed. He saw when he returned that indeed his uncle was merely an elderly, diseased, lustful man whom had spent more time within his harem and in a drunken stupor. Rather than ruling the lands and governing his men. So it was that his corrupt Viziers and Advisors took power and began to rule for their own means with the powers of the Pharaoh. As the Prince's fear and influence among the Nobles whom feared his wrath grew, the Vizier and men whom had been profiting from the corruption caused by the loss of thePharaoh now ordered the Prince back to the Lands of Egypt in order to strip him from his Army, and break the threat he posed. The Prince saw this coming and formed his Army within the Army, men loyal solely to him, and trained to rival the Pharaoh's own Magi. With these men and his newly acquired Legendary Warrioress know as the Desert Rose march into battle with, he returned quietly to his Princely Estates in the Lower Kingdom. There he and his Desert Rose began their plotting, sending a Poisoned Cask of Wine to the Pharaoh's Harem where the majority of the women whom the Pharaoh had depended physically upon were now dead, and the wine in which he had developed an addiction with, were all within question as well. This was the spark that started the inferno, as the Pharaoh now curled up within the corner whimpering like a child, and the under qualified people whom had been weakening the Power of the Pharaoh now stood exposed, the Nobles acted. Drawing in their forces from all of their lands, and the ones serving in the Upper Kingdoms. Their Armies formed and the Pharaoh gone the battles among old Feuding Noble Houses, jealous merchants burning through the city taking out their competition. The Tribes within the Upper Kingdom now fought among one another, now that the Laws of the Lower Kingdom Forces were nolonger applied, and the Bandits hidden within their Desert Hideaways now grew bold charging into the lands of Egypt and growing rich upon the plunder beyond. It was said that during the nights, the fires of battle would light up the sky, and the Nile would run Crimson with blood. All were fearful of a knife in the night would find their throats, and they began to flee to the eye of the storm where none dare attack. The Coast of the Lower Kingdom where the Mighty Black Asp dwells. So it is that the refugees stop and live in the overcrowded city that had formed around the Palace of the Prince. It was now within these Dark Times when an Ancient Prophecy from the Oracle of Set came to the attention of the Pious, it read: "As theMighty River grows red with battle, and the night seems as day, a Mighty Warrior shall rise. A man coming from blood and fear, he will bear the mark of Set upon his name. His respect will only be matched by his cruelty, and strength in arms. This man shall gain the Favor of Set, and become his Chosen Successor. He shall be granted all the Powers of Set, and given command over the Serpentine Army. With this army under his command he shall take command of the Lands as King and with it he shall spread a never ending Shadow across the lands of Egypt." . Is the Prince the Prophesied Messiah of Set? None can know until or if he gains in the Powers of Set, and by then it will be too late.