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Forbidden Love
Flaming Passion
Haunting Memories that have come to life
     Many times she'd go to check on her younger sister Taharka when in training at the Temple. Or so that was everyones belief as to her purpose of showing there. It was in a very small part truth, but the full truth to her visits had to do with the man who was mentoring her.
The temple was also a place where she'd train with her siblings and their children. Something else that was often done beneath the guarded eye of Akhemn. Women rarely trained with the warriors, it was not considered proper. This was their avenue to learn self defense and use of a blade.
It was those stolen moments that she remembered the most. The times when she and Akhemn would disappear to be alone. Meetings under the cloak of darkness were often to take place. She had fallen in love with the man of the Temple, but his duties lied within the temple and to her sister Taharka. Her father had found out of their love and forbade it to ever become more than what they now shared. This was not due to his over protective nature as a father of daughter. This was due to his wanting of Taharka to grow in her skills and powers, she would be a major benefit to him when he chose to claim the throne of the Pharaoh; his ultimate goal, as was any wealthy nobles.
An attack upon her home while she was away, caused her not only the loss of her father and family members. But the loss of something greater yet. A love that was denied a chance to become something greater, and the very person who held her heart; even in death. Until one night, when she accompanied her family to free some prisoners that were being held by some dark priests. That night not only caused physical wounds, but reopened those on an emotional level also. The very man she loved, the one she mourned in private, was the face of the man who looked upon her with such hatred. The once Head Priest of Sobek, was now a Dark Priest of Seth and sided with the Dark Prince. All she can do at the moment is let the shock of it all set in.
The man that once stole her heart and is now out to destroy her.