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At the still youthful age of 24, Tah had done very well for herself.  Learning at a young age to negotiate in business, having appeared at her fathers side many times in his dealings within the vibrant city of Alexandria.  Her mothers delight in foreign decor was the basis behind her chosen proffession.  A quick study, she learned how to value items by a glance.  Soon she became reknown for the rare items she was able to ascertain, for a price.  Equally, she found there was a great market in the items of her lands.  No shore was left untouched, untraveled, or out of reach ... be it for the aquisition of an item, or a sale to be made.

At the age of 19, she moved from her families home in Shedet to the thriving metropolis of Alexandria.  The fertile Nile emptied into the vast spanse of the ocean along its boundries, which opened a major trade route for the young Egyptian to utilize.  It took not long before she became one of the wealthiest and most influential in the massive city.  It was through her that one of her sisters abroad was able to gain what she wished from their home lands, and, another sister was able to escape from a fate worse than death.  When the first of her sisters escaped from the iron grip of the Dark Prince, the family had paid dearly in loss of life and possessions.  But, it was when she and her brothers aided another sisters escape, that the wrath was to soon fall harshly by the hand of the enraged Prince.

Her family quickly gathered, all their possessions and those of the Temple of Sobek.  Upon a moonless night, they boarded a ship and watched as their homeland drifted away once the wind captured the sails.  All she had known all her life was to be left behind as she traveled to the unknown.  Heading for the Kingdom of Ballicastle and Sobekhotep Manor, to join two siblings already established there.

At one time in her life, a smile came easily.
Life was good.
Dreams abundant.
Happiness found in every morning.
Contentment found with the coming of the night.
Then something happened to make that smile slip away.
Then the darkness fell.
In the course of a single night;
 life would change.
Never permited to mourn.
Thrust into the realms of darkness.
Bitterness fed that hatred that grew.
Sorrow and loss was now the want of revenge.

Hidden passions of another time.
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Step into the past of forbidden love and flaming passion