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The Shield Maiden of the J'Atar Family named after the Great River Guardian Sobek....Sobekneferu
Her name stands for " Beauty of the god Sobek ".  The daughter to Amenemhet III and Nubheteptycred.  About her neck is an golden necklace with three examples of the " Golden Fly ", also known as the " Fly of Valour. "  A honoirfic award given for excellence in military service.
To her people she is a glorious and ambitious, to her enemies a ruthless entity.  She is a beautiful and seductive women who would stop at nothing to help expand her fathers empire.     It is said that intelligence far outweighed her looks,  an irresistible person by her conversation and  a bewitching character. It is also siad that she is a pleasure to be around, due to her intelligence and being very unique.  She was active in the delta area, building temples and furthering agriculture. She was trying to emphazie a new economic and religious center in the Faiyum Oasis in Shedet. Shedet contained a notable shrine dedicated to Sobek and the priests of Sobek were key supporters to Sobeknefru.
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She who is beloved of Sobek of Shedet, the (female) Horus Meretre, the Two Ladies, Daughter of Power, the Lady of the Two Lands, Golden Horus, She whose appearance is stable, Of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sobekneferu of J'Atar; She lives!
 The facade to walk freely amoungst people, her true nature hidden behind the ruse of the Qaina which she was forced to become.  ( Her home, her life, her here)
From pre-Islamic times professional dancers, musicians, and singers in the
Middle East belonged to the slave caste.The majority of professional dancers,
including singers, were female slaves, and they were often called “Qaina". ( An
Eastern form of the Western worlds, Courtesans ) The Qaina were in fact highly-educated women who, besides being trained extensively in singing, music, dance, and poetry recitation, were also often educated in literature, philosophy, and the sciences.Even though technically slaves, the Qaina possessed more freedom than many  women , and although their profession had a stigma attached to it, they nevertheless  had an elevated social status. The Qaina wear more brightly colored clothing, and  more ornaments, as well as speaking their minds more freely than other women.

Other Names: Sebek

Patron of: the strength of the pharaoh

Appearance: a crocodile-headed man with a feathered crown, rarely as a full crocodile

The son of Neith, Sobek was a sort of bodyguard to various gods, especially Ra and Set (in his original form), and was seen as having a similar function for the pharaoh. In times of need, he gives the pharaoh strength and fortitude so that he may overcome all obstacles. He also protects the pharaoh from all harm, especially evil magic.
 To his worshipers, he was a god who created the Nile, a god of fertility and rebirth, and the symbolic strength of the ruler of Egypt. According to legend, Sobek was a fourfold deity. He represented the four elemental gods, Ra of fire, Shu of air, Geb of earth, and Osiris of water. A crocodile, a man with the head of a crocodile, or a mummified crocodile are used as representations for Sobek. He is sometimes shown wearing a solar disk and horns like those of Amon-Ra. Throughout history, he has been known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobk, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais.
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