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Their homelands had changed for the worse under the tyranny of the Dark Prince, Hematuin. It had taken the family months to work on getting Taharka out of the lands and shipped to saftey with her sister. Her special talents had made her a target for all who wanted power, even the Temple of Sobek was no longer a safe place for hiding. Gifted with the ability to become one with nature, listening to their whispered words unheard by others. Sight of that yet to come, be it in the near future or that of distant. Oft the title Sorceress was whispered, due to the seers ability. Guardian of the Gods secrets as well as those of many faiths. Bound humbly to demands placed in turn, her life of contentment is one of acceptance to the path she must walk along. Powers retained as long as purity and virtue are maintained, as is the price paid for the gift given by the Gods.

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Taharka's Wardrobe ... styles, coloration of materials to vary.

(© Copyright: All SL's associated the J'Atar name are property of Taharka mun ... House of J'Atar is the sole property of Taharak mun ... The J'Atar SL created in 2001.)