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The Guardian and Hematuin 
The Abduction & Escape

dot_clr.gif (43 bytes)The warmth of the sun bore down upon the front steps of the temple. The very place she could always be found in the late afternoons. Heated breeze would carry the mixture of scents .... Lotus blooms, chrysanthemum, chamomile, lillies, and safflower. Many came from all around to ask her questions and pray that the God's instill their wisdom in return.
Every night, just before dusk, a very handsome warrior would come to sit with her and talk. Unlike the others, he would ask questions of her, as well as for himself. This became almost ritualistic, until one night, in his stead, a group of warriors arrived. Soldiers, adorned in black armor of various make. They would make their way to her, then encircle her between them. One stepped forward and held out his hand.
"Your presence is demanded in the Palace of the Pharoh." His tone let her know there was to be no question or hesitation.
Surprise to appear upon those delicate features kissed by the sun. Who was she to refuse the invitation, or order? A glance to see if her warrior would be around to see she'd not be free this evening. No sight of the man before her hand would rise and settle within his. "The Pharohs' wish is my command." Quietly stated as she stood with his aid. (43 bytes) The warrior grinned with her comment. Though he was a bit let down when no resistance was found. He would then guide her to the chariot that brought him to her temple. Placing her before him, his arms to wrap around her as the reins were taken in hand. This kept her trapped against him, with little room to move. This in turn had that grin even more broad.
She could fathom not any reason the palace would send for her. There were many visionaries and seer's in the land, those who were more skilled than she. Hands rested upon the rail of the chairot before her. Quiet aware of the man pressed against her, and also quite aware, that he'd not touch her with her being beconed by the Pharoh.
Many hours later, they would arrive before the palace. The warriors to dismount and create a path that she was to follow to her destination. The one who brought her would follow behind, for two purposes. The first, to block any backwards retreat, if she felt so inclined. The second? The view, what else.
Following the human walled path through the front door of the palace. It was here that the one who followed stepped up to take her gently by the arm, leading her down the main hall, then through a large opening. Once inside, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Then a look of surprise when she noted the one she'd find within. (43 bytes) He couldn't help but to grin when he seen the look that appeared upon her face. "My little blue lotus, the look upon your face does bring a smile to my lips." A near laughter to taint his words, stated as he rose from his position upon the throne. Stepping forward and extending his hand for him to take. "Come and sit with me, you should rest after your long journey."
It was the warrior, the one she had spent many hours speaking with. He wasn't any ordinary warrior, he was the Prince ...Hematuin. He would be the only one to sit upon the throne so bravely. Eyes to immediately lower as her head bowed forward in open respect. "My T'Jati, you leave me speechless and greatly humbled." A near whisper of words.
He could only chuckle to that as he lead her back to the throne. It was then he settled back upon it, to draw her onto his lap, quite blantantly. This in turn would cause her to gasp in surprise as her dark gaze turned upon him quickly. "My T'Jati, this is improper." Trying to keep the trembling from her tone.
Wrapping his arms about her slender waist he looked up at her and grinned. "Only improper for those who are not mated. You see Taharka, I'm claiming you as my wife. Your visions will be for me only, as well as anything else I wish and chose to claim." There was almost a sinister twist to that grin. (43 bytes) That out right shocked her in hearing and she had to blink several times. "My T'Jati, this is highly impossible. ... You know not of my family." Unable to think of anything better to say at the moment. Struggling to regain her train of thought.
At this he laughed outright. "Know your family my little blue lotus?" Leaning closer. "I know a lot about your family. You are the sister of the Desert Rose. Who, up until recently was working out quite nicely in training and leading my men into victory." His head tilted slightly. "But you see, there's this small little problem. She's disappeared, vanished into thin air. She was to be that which I used to gain the attention of others to my cause." Grinning again as he shifted her upon his lap. "Since she's gone, I need another and your abilities are much more useful to me than her use of a sword. So, who better to replace her than one of her own, very lovely, sisters."
She gazed upon him in disbelief. This was in retribution to her sister getting free of his control? "My T'Jati, again, I'm humbled by your choice. But I'm not the one you would wish as a wife." Softly stated.
His brows furrowed, his hold about her tightened to cause some discomfort. "Do you dare to question my choice? Tell me what I wish or do not?" His voice had lowered to a dangerous level. (43 bytes) Stiffening due to the combination of that grip of his arms and the sound of his voice, then a quick shake of her head. "No, no ... not at all my T'Jati. It's just, for the likes of me, being a visionary is a contradiction to the duties as a wife." Speaking up quickly.
That caused him to pause and look at her long and hard. "Explain this to me, how is it contradictory?" Almost growled.
Gaze remained averted away from his, yet she could still feel the intensity of his gaze upon her. "You see, My T'Jati, my visions are given to me by the grace of the God's. ... But they come not without a demand in return...." Pausing for a moment.
His gaze bore into her still, brows furrowed as he listened to her speak. Watching her expression, body language, all openly read. "Go on..." Urging her to continue.
"In order for my gifts to remain, purity and innocents must be retained." Softly stated. "To be a wife, and adhear to the duties of said position, these would be broken and the visions to cease. I would be of no use to you in that." Spoken in a hushed tone. (43 bytes) This caused his features to harden slightly and darken as he heard her words. His hands would grip her upper arms firmly as his eyes bore into hers. It would seem his one plan was disrupted, only for a moment, then he grinned. "That's fine my little blue lotus. Time is on my side." Releasing his hold upon her arms, his hands to lift and cup her face between them. "You will remain within the palace, in the room next to mine. Once I have the throne to myself and control over all of Egypt, you will then become my wife. For I shall have no longer need of your visions and I shall have what I truely want." His voice low with a husky undertone.
His words would cause her to shiver, a coldness that began deep inside and slowly spanned outwards. "If that is your wish, My T'Jati, then so be it." Softly spoken as she remained quite still.
His thumbs would gently caress along the edge of her jawline. "My wish and my command, and just to make sure you don't get any ideas of running away. If I ever learn of your attempt to leave, or even if you are successful. I want you to know, I will retalliate by hunting down every memeber of your family and killing them off, one by one, until you return. Do you understand this?" A brow rose as he tilted his head to better see her eyes and a smirk touched upon his lips.
At that moment her heart sank. She could never permit harm to come to any because of her. But yet that would indeed be the case, she knew why he wished control of her visions. He is the Dark Prince and his intent was quite widely known. Many wondered why he had yet to raise his sword against the Pharoh himself, rather than continue the facade. But her family, that was another matter, she'd protect them to the point of giving of herself first. Slowly she'd nod. "Yes, My T'Jati, I understand in full." A near whisper. (43 bytes) That caused him to grin even more. Fingers to now lightly caress against her cheek. "Good, that's very good my little blue lotus." With her help, his conquering would be done quite quickly. The sooner he held both crowns of Egypt, the sooner he could take her to his bed. For now he'd be contented to hold her when he wished and gaze upon his beautiful treasure, as well as gain some vengence in return.
She would steel herself from his advances. She'll be spending many hours in prayer to her God's to retain privacy. Now she'd work on thinking of a way to get word out to her brothers, of what had just happened, they'd know what to do..... After that first day, by the most part she was left alone. Keeping to her chambers, even taking her meals there. She refused to walk the palace halls, to appear as if it was there she belonged. She had yet to find a means or way to contact her family. She knew none here, in that she had none she could possibly trust. Even in her private room, she was constantly under watch by Hematuins guards.
It was while she cooled herself within the pool like bath of her room. Hand maidens flitting about the room, cleaning and preparing her evening wear. White and blue lotus flower petals, floated upon the very waters their oils scented about her. The door was thrown wide open, causing the hand maidens to shriek and skitter back behind the cover of veils. Her head snapped in that direction as she quickly submerged to her chin. In through the door he strode, his arrogance carried him further inward.
The grin upon his lips held a feral sinister twist. His dark gaze bore down upon her as he moved to the pools edge. "My little blue lotus, I see you refreshen youself to please my senses." A husky growl of words to be spoken to her. His gaze shot towards the cowering hand maidens and a motion of his hand in dismisal, had them skittering towards the opened door. Once all had left, he'd motion to the guards, who would step out and pull the doors closed behind them. Again he turned his focus upon her, offering a hand out. "I have come to seek your counsel, before we engage into battle." (43 bytes) The warmth the water held, seemed to quickly cool when his presence was made. Goose bumps traveled over wetted flesh. A near panic to be felt within as the hand maidens were ordered out and left her alone with him. A deep breath taken before she would dare glance his way again. "My wish is to please you always, My T'Jati." Such sincerity in her soft spoken voice. Eyes to lower and head tipped forward as her hand extended out to settle upon his offered. Slowly she stood, water to trail over the curvature of exposed flesh. Slow was her movements as she climbed the steps that brought her out of the pools depths.
Her words and the sound of her voice were pleasing to his ear. It even managed to turn that smirk into a formation of a smile. "You are truely a Goddess. It's only right that you shall sit at the side of a living God upon the throne." Speaking of himself, as pharohs were considered living God's, representations of Re. As she exited the water, hungrily his gaze would feast upon wetted skin. Just the vision of her exiting the pool caused him to groan slightly, having to adjust for comfort.
"My humbled and gracious thanks I offer upon you for the grandure of your words. You honor me greatly, with them coming from a man such as yourself, My T'jati." Moving to stand before him, gaze cast down. Her words to never be spoken above a whisper.
Releasing her hand, his would then move to rest upon her shoulders. Slowly gliding over the outer side of her arms, feeling the softness of tender flesh. "It's I who am to be the one honored. I shall be the envy of every man around, in having one as lovely as you at my side." Urges were strong, but his need for power stronger yet. This was the only thing keeping him from enacting upon those thoughts that ravaged in his mind.
"You have come to me for my aid in your campain my T'Jati?" Wishing to draw him away from the present course of conversation. His touch chilled her to the core, as did the idea of having to spend the rest of her life at his side. (43 bytes) It took him a moment to draw his mind back to the reason he had arrived in her presence to begin with. The sight of her had stunned him. Knitting of brows and a nod, getting his mind set back upon his goal. "Yes, tonight we ride towards the south. I wish to know what is there."
Slowly she nodded, taking a step back to free herself of his hold, under the pretense of moving towards the window in which the moon could be visualized. Chin lifted as her face tilted up, to capture the moon beams upon it. Harms held out before her, palms held upwards as fingers splayed. Eyes closed as she began to softly chant, a soft melody to pass, nearly whispered, her lips.
He stepped towards her as she positioned herself before the open window. Basking in the moonlight that, nearly caused him to forget his faculties and snag her up right there in claim. Moving to stand behind her, hands reached out as if to touch, but only hoovered inches from the heat of her skin. Slowly moving downwards, over the curvature of her form. He could almost feel the silky softness of her skin, without having contact. Temptation was great, maddenly so, yet his want for ultimate power would keep him in check.
After several moments her whisper would tapper off, as she befell into that trance like state. Eyes open, but unseeing of that before her. Instead it was elsewhere her vision would be, as if her sight was now that of a hawk that glided with the drifts of the wind. "Three villages, the population is dense, but the people are hard. Warriors, nomads and theives comprise the population. There is also a stronghold in the center villiage, it's here where all that is precious is stored." (43 bytes) When her chanting ended and her words began, it was then he grasped her shoulders, turning her to face him. One hand cupped her chin, lifting it so he could gaze down into her eyes. Seeing the distant look within them, he could almost visualize that she spoke of. His other arm would slip about her waist and draw her in his tight hold. When in her presence, he had to hold her, touch her in some way. "How hard will these men be to defeat? How many men will it take?"
Again in her mind she began to soar over the lands, moving in closer to those who lived there. Hearing their words, feeling the sensations they emitted, be it fear or pride. "If you enact when the Thoth has risen to his highest point, little resistance to be met, defeat shall be victorious. They will be well into their cups, their pride has left their guard down. They think themselves untouchable." Hushed whisper of her words. It was then just as quickly as the vision came, it would retract, causing her to fall limp against him and in his hold.
His arms tightened about her as he felt her form slacken when she fell silent. A dark grin upon his lips, he then bent to swoop her up into his arms. Carrying her over to her bed, gently laying her out upon it. His hands again to run over the softness of her flesh and that urge to rear its' mighty head to be battled back down again. "Soon, my little blue lotus, soon." Husky whisper before he leaned to claim her lips hungrily by his own. He then stood and quickly moved to the door, pulling it open to step out and look to his warriors. "Tonight we ride." His strides would carry him down the hallway and out the doors for preperation.
Hand maidens would skitter back into her room. Excited whispers shared between them, as they seen the Guardian laid out upon the bed in a deep sleep. The cause of her present state and that to gossiped about in soft whispers, would differ greatly in truth.
For nearly a year she spent in her guilded cage of the palace chambers. Hematuin to constantly make his appearance unannounced. He would come to her still wearing his armor coated with gore and vitae, to brag of his victories and how she was a small part of this. (43 bytes) Every night before he would ride off to the chosen grounds of battle, he would becon her for a vision of what he would face come the dawn. Being forced to seek visions was quite taxing, and each time she would fall limp into his arms, and each time he would lay her upon the bed to be found by the hand maidens in her sleeping state. Many believed the Dark Prince visited her bed, leaving her wore out from their coupling. Here is where she oft thanked the God's for the laws of virtue she was sworn to stay true to.
Hematuin began to become more lax as his victories grew and his control over Lower Egypt began to spread. It was during one of the afternoons that his mood was exubiant, that he agreed to permit her to visit the market, with only two guards at her side. A taste of freedom, such a wonderous thing, it uplifted her spirit that was dulling with each passing month.
It was while she visited one of the merchants selling silks, that she happened upon a young novice from the Temple of Sobek. Excitement and fear both weighed heavily upon her heart, praying that the girl didn't openly acknowledge seeing her. Sekkia's face did pale when she seen the Guardian between the two warriors armored in black. Her family had thought her to be dead, with no word of her well being. Hematuin did a grand job at keeping her hidden from the world, although there were always rumors.
Being men, the guards would stand back as the small Egyptian approached the wares of silk and began to look them over. Lifting a swatch, she would turn to the young novice and smile, asking her opinion of the color. Sakkia paled when she spoke to her, unsure of what to say, or if she should rush to collect the Guardian in her arms, thankful she was alive. (43 bytes) Under the pretense of shopping, the two women now stood shoulder to shoulder, lifting various pieces of silk and looking as if their conversation pertained to the material looked at. But in truth, that was the furthest thing from either womans mind. She proceeded to quickly fill Sakkia in on what had transpired over the year and what was to come. She needed to get word to her family, to let them know she was alright, as well as to inform them of Hematuins dark plans.
When the conversation ended, Sakkia would step away with a small wave and blessing given quietly. She would purchase a few bolts of the silks and make the warriors carry them back to the palace. She knew this disgruntled the two men, and in this she found a small amount of pleasure. But what brought the smile upon her lips that day, wasn't the fact of spending the day at the market, or even the belittlement of the two men in using them as pack mules. It was in knowing she had family that still lived and soon they would know she was doing well herself.
Hematuin was delighted in seeing her smile, something that had been lacking for many months passed. This would be the cause of his agreeing to permit her one day a week to visit the market area, under guard, to shop to her hearts contentment. She would gleefully accept, thanking him profusely and even applied a kiss to his cheek, although he would perverse it by drawing her into his arms to sear her lips with a heated kiss, before all who were present.
That night she prayed for many hours, that on her days she went to the market, family or friends might be recognized. She cared little for the material things, but she would take the moment that was offered and use it to the fullest advantage. She hoped and prayed the novice made it back to give her family word, without interferance. Deciding that she would appear at the market on the same day, each week. A pattern to be set, one to be easily figured out.