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Mun Notes

This is an RP Group first and foremost,
 these people are NOT real

Please be mature, no childishness or
 obsessive behavior tolerated

     Discriptive RP is a must, one liners
need not even bother to apply.

  Mun's are not the character,
so let's not go there, hmm!

We RP with whom we wish,  
when we wish
 and how we wish.

Don't attempt to kill charc without
 clearing it with the mun first.

Which leads to,
Forced Role Play will be ignored

Mun's are above legal age of consent
and expect you to be also

Discuss limitations before engaging in RP,
 some things we WILL NOT tolerate

We will TOS stalkers, be forwarned now!

We're here to engage in SL's, perferrably
 long termed ones.
Please contact SL heads if you have a SL idea

Charc's are Egyptian if you haven't
 figured that out

Medieval/Renessance RP ONLY  

NO MODERN RP....Period!
Adding to this, the charc's will not recognize
nor understand Modern technologies.

These charc's are involved in several SL's,
that are not related to the others, yet
some of the information may be used
for creativity purposes, such
as charc's history, ect.  Not in
the sense of cross RPing. Sometimes the
room will depict the SL in which these
charc's are involved in.


We mean not to sound brash or to set
such strict rules, but unfortunately
situations in the past have lead to these
needing to be placed.  The mun's are accually
a pretty nice persons, or so we hope to be
viewed as such.  We're open minded and
easy to get along with.  But it's not below
us to place someone on ignore or block
them if they get to be unbearable
both IC and OOC.  We're here to have
fun and enjoy let's do that
and have a good time.