


Once upon a Dream, the land of Fairy Tales was woven...

Each created from threads of iridescent imagination...

Gifts of treasure to behold...

A place of innocent pureness, which is known in the spirit of every child...

The child within me lingers there still, will you join us now...

And Dream...


Beauty And The Beast


Sleeping Beauty

Princess And The Pea

Puss In Boots



Ugly Duckling

The Nightingale

The Swan Queen

The Crystal Sphere

The Velveteen Rabbit

The Goose Girl

The Frog King

Little Ida's Flowers

Little Elder Tree Mother

What The Moon Saw

The Sleep Master

The Magic Crystal

The Snow Queen




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"Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told me in my childhood than in any truth that is taught in life."

~Johann Schiller~
German Poet



This Is A Child Safe Site



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