Spirit of the Wind

The Unicorn is wrongly named
A description will tell why
Silver hooves upon the ground
Wing tips brush the sky

The sight of his eyes
Is quite unusual and rare
They give of the feelings
Of warmth, love, and care

The mane is melted gold
A flame against the blue
Matched only by his tail
Which is the same fiery hue

The horn is the most
Mystical of all
Rainbow it is colored
Magic is it's call

Gentle is his nature
Never has he sinned
As every-one can see
He's the spirit of the wind!

Amy Owen


"Each month the unicorns gathered at dusk to dance in a Circle under the full, dusky moon. They were the only race they knew of that did so. For when Alma made the world, she fashioned all the other creatures first, out of earth, wind, water, and air--then invited them to dance. But the pans turned wordless away from her, and the gryphons flew to find mountains to nest in, and the red dragons burrowed deep into the Smoking Hills, and the wyverns laughed.
So Alma created the unicorns after her own shape: sleek-bodied and long-limbed for swift running, wild-hearted and hot-blooded to make them brave warriors. Then she took from the cycling moon some of its shining stuff to fashion their hooves and horns and make them dancers. So the last-born and best-beloved of Alma called themselves also the moon's children, and each month danced the ringdance under the round, rising moon.

Meredith Ann Pierce




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And into the world came the unicorn:
First and last;
Flying on wings of milky glass,
Landing like a satin ghost on the rocky promontories of creation.
It stands erect in the predawn wind,
Waiting for earthrise.
Around it blow silent winds,
While meteors and comets hurl their fire,
And dragon clouds collide.



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