The Lost Unicorn

Oh how in our childlike hearts still we mourn
The passing of the Unicorn.
Of gentle beauty and infinite grace,
A creature unfit for our worlds pace.
Yet Wait! For who's to say?

Perhaps even now in some far distant forest glade,
There still moves quietly in the cool and leafy shade.
That timeless creature of a golden age,
That spirit of a shining dawn,
That magic beast The Unicorn.

Author Unknown


Unicorn Legend

Unicorn Poems

The Fair Maid

Spirit Of The Wind

The Last Unicorn

The Unicorn

Mythical Unicorn Legend

The Days Of The Unicorn



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"Once, long ago, before there was such a thing as time, the world was shrouded in darkness.
Then came the splendor of light, bringing life and love into the Universe, and the Lord of Darkness retreated deep into the shadows of Earth, ploting his return to power . . . by banishing light forever.
But precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of Unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures.
Unicorns are safe from the Lord of Darkness, they can only be found by the purest of mortals . . . Such a mortal is Jack, who lives in solitude with the animals of the forest.
A beautiful girl named Lily loves Jack with all her heart. In their innocence they believe only goodness exists in the world.
Together they will learn there can be no good without evil . . . no love without hate . . . no heaven without hell . . . no light without darkness.
The harmony of the Universe depends upon an enternal balance. Out of the struggle to maintain this balance comes the birth of Legends."
From the movie "Legend"


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