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Beta Readers

Want to be a beta reader for Tainted Love? Email me

Patricia RD: Good at characterization ans spelling. Read all genres and ratings. Good with other pairings but better if they're Angelverse pairings. Will read slash. Please email me before sending anything.

Amberina: Will read any pairing and any rating, but I don't have time for long fics or WIPs. Strengths include spelling, grammar, characterization, and canon.

Angel Jade: Will read: Adult, very dark themes, slash, het, PWP... Won't read: Anything that's ridiculously long. Prefer: Male slash or het but do like femslash too. Anything Lindsey, Spike, Willow, Angel, Tara, Dawn, Fred or Faith. Adult fic. Strengths: Characterization, particularly Lindsey and Faith. Plot continuation. I'm from England if that helps any part of your story. Other information (optional): Require a few days, on line most nights so contact won't be a problem.

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