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or He Sleeps With His Hands Curled

by Tara Ann Stridh

Darla and Connor

rated G

Connor doesn't want to go to sleep.

Note: In my world Darla took Connor when he was a baby and moved to Spain with Lindsey. She has a daughter with Lindsey, too. Sure, Darla has some regrets, but Connor won't know about them until he gets older. Sometimes we have to make our own happy endings:) I didn't use quotes - Connor is the first to speak, then Darla, Connor, Darla, etc.

*Characters are not mine:(

**Jena is mine:)




He Sleeps With His Fingers Curled

by Tara Ann Stridh



(Darla is tucking little Connor into bed;

they are living in Spain)

Mommy, why do you have two faces?

I’m a vampire.

Is that why you drink the red stuff all the time?


And daddy?


You made him like you?


Is it blood? Does it taste good?

Is that why you and Jena always lick my knee

when I fall down? Jena says it’s yummy.

It is, but it’s not for you to drink.

You’ll just get a very nasty tummy ache.

Is Lindsey my real daddy?

Why would you say that?


I don’t know. I just have this feeling that there’s someone else.

There is. Lindsey isn’t your real father, but he is if you want him to be.

Do you want him to be?

(long pause)


I want him to be, I think.


Where’s my real father?

Far from here, but he loves you very much.

Then why isn’t he here?

Because he doesn’t love me. Because I . . . just because.

Is he a vampire?


You made him?

Yes, a very long time ago.


Because I was lonely.

Do you love him?

Yes. Always. But I love you more. More than anything.

But I’m not supposed to, but I do.

Why aren’t you supposed to?

Because it’s not the way things work.

Is there a law?

No. Vampires don’t have souls. Except for Louis.

What’s a soul?

It’s what makes you so very precious to me.

You’re my little darling boy. My little darling prince.

What’s Jena?

She’s my little dear one. And she’s Lindsey’s little honky tonk.

I thought you were his little honky tonk?

I am.

What is he?

He’s my sweetpea.

Your real father used to call me his lamb.

So I have one, a soul, but you and daddy and Jena don’t?

That’s right, honey.

Grandpa Holtz has a soul?


Is Lindsey Jena’s real daddy?

Yes, he is.

Why did you make him?

Because he’s pretty.


Because I love him, but you must never tell him so.

Plus, he’s smarter than your real father.

I’m not a vampire like you, am I? Or like Jena?

No, sweetie. You’re special. You’re my baby boy.

She says I have a noise and that Lindsey used to have a noise, too.

All vampires had noises - I mean, a heartbeat once.

Except for Jena. She was born a vampire.

With little baby bumpies.

Are you going to make me like you so I have bumpies, too?


No. I think about it sometimes, actually, I think about it a lot, but no.


Because I love you.

But I want bumpies like you.

No, you really don’t. Maybe when you get older - no,

I didn’t say that.



(still uncertain about him calling her that even though she is his mother,

also secretly content)

I love you, too. And I love Lindsey. And Jena. Even Holtz.

I know you do. Though, you be careful about Poppy, I mean Holtz.

Your sister should be careful, too.

Sometimes I think Grandpa Holtz wants to hurt you.

He does.


Because I hurt him a long time ago.


Because vampires are mean.

I don’t think you’re mean.

(almost sadly)

Maybe one day you will.

No. I never will.

I’ll protect you from Holtz.

(Darla smiles)

Mommy, do you want to eat me like you eat other people?



(she thinks about the one and only time she made a little cut on his arm when he was a baby just so she could have a little taste)

Should I love my real father?


What’s his name?

I’ll tell you when you get older.

I’ll tell you everything. I promise, baby. Now go to sleep.

Okay. Goodnight Mommy.

Goodnight Connor.

Can I sleep with you and daddy if I have bad dreams?

Of course you can, snugglebunny, but remember the jasmine over your bed

protects you from scary dreams.

You promise? You promise you won’t let Jena kick me out?

I promise.

Your sister loves you. When you were a baby she’d always want

to hug you and she’d pretend she was your mommy.

Can you tell me how I was born?

Again? You just don’t want to go to sleep.

I’m not sleepy. I want to stay up all night with you.

It was raining and cold.

Did it hurt?


No. Sometimes pain is good.

What did you feel when I was in your tummy?

Warm. Hungry all the time.

What about Jena?


(natural she thinks to herself)

Did it hurt when Jena was born?

(lying again)


Babies don’t hurt their mommies.

(telling the truth, sort of)

No they don’t.

And mommies don’t hurt their babies.

(telling the truth)

No. They don’t.

You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

The one good thing you ever did?

Yes. The only good thing.

But didn’t you do other good things?

Baby, just go to sleep, please. For Mommy.

Mommy, I think you’re pretty. I like your other face, too.

Your vampire face. I think it’s pretty, too.

It doesn’t scare you?

No. Is it supposed to? Sometimes Jena’s does.

Can you show me?

Not tonight. Tomorrow.

I want to feel your bumpies. They make me feel safe.

Connor, you are safe. No one’s going to take you away from me.

(I’ll kill them, she thinks)

Did you use to feed me milk like the kittens

and the mommy cat in the backyard?

Yes, something like milk, anyway.

And Jena, too?

She had the red stuff, sweetie.

Blood. I licked my own boo-boo once.

It tasted good I think. Give me milk now.

I can’t. And you’re too old.

In my Cookie Monster cup?

You already had enough at dinner.

Can you sing to me? You sing pretty.


(Darla sings a jasmine lullaby to her son;

then she tucks him in again, gives him his baby iguana beanie baby,

and turns out the light)

Don’t let the vampires bite.

(he smiles)

I won’t let them.

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