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Desensitization By Repetition And Exposure

Yolie Thomas

Lesson 5

“They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance

that is in them due to hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves

over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.”

(Ephesians 4:18-19, NIV)

Christians are generally sensitive to good and evil. They will readily leap to the opportunity to do good. Helping and bringing joy to others exemplify the character of a Christian. However, deeds unlike the characteristics of a Christian will most likely be recoiled with terror. A Christian because of instilled barriers naturally rejects opportunities of evildoing. A Christian’s boundaries prevent him from crossing over to participate in activities contrary to his beliefs. Most Christians raised in a Christian home and taught Christian values usually avoid drinking, smoking, profanity, immoral sex and a gamut of other sinful behavior. Christians recoiling from things that are not right for them is like the sensitivity of a person who has mishandled a hot pot. Immediately they withdraw from the heat and seek comfort. Unfortunately, after repeated mishandles of the hot pot the sensitivity to the heat is reduced each time. As so the mental sensitivity of a Christian repeated exposure to sin and evil. This is called desensitization (Philip, 015, p.10)

Johnson C. Philip explains in his book Analysis of Mind Manipulation 015, that, “The company of friends, society with loose moral values, hostels, and TV programmes are some channels that desensitize people” (p. 10). Of course, having direct contact on a regular basis of lewdness and open exposure of various evils such as, sexual-related conversations, drunkenness, stealing and lying will lead to malevolent behavior. Often, I tell new converts to be very careful of the company they keep, for they are more likely to be reverted back to their old ways or worst by the negative exposure. Mature Christians receive the same advice, because repeated exposure of anything becomes habitual or habit forming. For example smoking, most people who smoke today were introduced to smoking by someone else years ago. When I was a child, my mother smoked all the time; I despised it. I would drive her crazy hiding her cigarettes or destroying them. Eventually after receiving salvation she quit smoking. However, one of my older brothers picked up the habit and continued to do so. It took years before he was able to kick the habit. It was pure curiosity that aroused my brother’s interest. Initially, I am certain smoking was foreign and un-enjoyable to him. But after having a few hits and the release of those endorphins, a bad habit was formed. The same applies with any habitual drug or repeated exposure of sinful activities. Once the sensitivity is gone there is nothing to recoil from. The very thing that used to be outside the boundaries has become a part of the boundaries and considered acceptable.

The sequence of this desensitization according to Philip begins with the first exposure. The first exposure immediately causes recoil and revulsion. When exposure is repeated in small doses, the initial shock is removed and the process of desensitization starts. After a while the repeatedly exposed individual becomes so desensitized that they over look the evil, then develop a tolerance of the evil. It does not take long before they are condoning the evil, then liking the evil and eventually desiring it. The evil is now being justified and indulged on a regular basis. “The secret of desensitization is continuous exposure in SMALL doses. Like a slow poison, a small amount of evil often fools people into thinking that nothing is amiss. It gives them a false confidence that they can jump out of it any time they want, without ever realizing that each occasion of exposure is making them insensitive to yet more evil. Finally a critical stage is reached where their insensitivity makes them to even love evil” (p. 10).

King David, a man after God’s own heart, became overpowered by his sinful desires, displaying ungodly behavior. This mighty king seduced a married woman named Bathsheba in 2nd Samuel 11. Taking advantage of his authority, David committed adultery with this beautiful woman. The Bible does not specify how many times they were intimate, but one could probably imagine that it was more than once since the husband was away at battle. As a result of this adulterous affair, Bathsheba became impregnated and the plot of evil thickened. Dedicated Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband was called home from battle so that he may have relations with his wife to cover up the sin between David and Bathsheba. Uriah refused all comforts of home while his comrades continue to fight, so he did not lay with his wife. David then plotted the faithful soldier’s death by sending him into the heat of battle while the other soldiers withdrew. Uriah was left alone and killed. Still in pursuit to cover up his sin from the people, David married Bathsheba after Uriah’s death.

The Scriptures indicate that David noticed Bathsheba while she was bathing as he looked on from his rooftop. It is quite possible that David may have watched her bathe time’s prior and finally decided to give into his desires. There is also the possibility that Bathsheba knew that David could see her and sought to seduce the king. Either way, seeing her for the first time naked or being exposed continuously, peeked this king’s interest to the point of adultery and eventually murder. Both were well aware that there actions were contrary to the written commandments, but they proceeded. It is apparent that after David’s initial sin, each sin thereafter became easier and more atrocious. This is exactly how desensitization occurs, there is always an initial exposure, with repeated exposure causing indulgence and justification.

Mike’s Law is a principle that expresses the results of desensitization. “According to law, continuous indulgence in forbidden activities increases one’s desire and boldness while it diminishes the thrill. This in turn motivates the person to greater thrill, to increased carelessness” (Philip, 015, p.11). Desensitization decreases the shock, thrill or excitement after repeated exposure to sin. A person’s initial response when about to engage in a sinful act is approached with fear and trembling. But after being exposed to it several times, the individual is no longer sensitive to the deed. Like with most things, the first time is always the toughest, because we are uncertain of the outcome. But after participating in it repeatedly, it becomes old hat and we become willing to go to the next level.

Propaganda combined with mind manipulation (seduction) techniques can be quite perilous. There is one technique in particular that assist in desensitization and that is “Mind Manipulation by Repeated Exposure to Propaganda.” The human mind has a built in resistance that prevents a person from doing things that are shocking or repulsive. In addition, it has an inhibition-center that also inhibits a person from indulging in shameful activities. Alcohol and other addictive chemicals can suppress the inhibition-center causing a person to become out of control. When restraints disappear that person becomes abusive, vulgar and unruly. But, once the person’s liver burns up the alcohol, they return back to normal. Unlike the immediate effects of the alcohol, mind-alterations are much more powerful because the effects last longer. Unfortunately there is no corresponding recovery of the human mind after it falls into degenerate activities according to Philip. He states that “This is because once the mind degenerates, it effectively blocks the spiritual process that could restore that person” (Johnson C. Philip, (014) pp. 8-9).

Repeated exposure is a sure way to defeat the built-in resistance that causes a person to abhorred wrongful activities. Repetition alters the mind by a similar sequence discussed above:

First Exposure® Shocks and Recoil

Repeated Exposure® Reduction of Shock® Permitting Further Exposure® Desensitization® Complete Elimination of Shock® Tolerance (because shock is gone) Condoning® Endorsing® Longing® Doing It!

Following through on the first two or three steps will accelerate the degeneration.

Repetitious exposure is one of the ways many advertisers are enabled to invade the minds of their audience. They introduce innovative immoral ideas, corruptive behavioral patterns and sins made desirable. In the world of advertisements, the abnormal is considered as normal and what we know to be normal is considered dull, lifeless and passé. The real hook is “once a person is occupied with, and derives pleasure from, the abnormal and the sinful, the initial thrill and charm gradually decreases” (Philip, 014, p.9). Almost addictively, increasing levels of deviation are needed to satisfy the lust for the deviant behavior. Unfortunately, Philip states and I agree that this is why sex and crime has increased on television, on the movie screens, in video games, and in other medias. It amazes me to know that even the children’s video games are rated.

Desensitization Through Television Programs And Commercials

“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:9, NKJV)

Another technique used stemming from the amalgamation of propaganda and mind manipulation, is “Bypassing Reason.” Ordinarily a person will analyze a piece of information before taking action. They receive the information, they use reasoning then analyze the information, weighing the pros and the cons and finally take action to whether to accept or reject. However, when it comes to human beings, there is the emotion factor that plays a key part in making a decision. Emotions can be manipulated in a way that will take over reason, even though emotions were designed to support reason. Emotions increase joy at joyous events; bring out sympathy during times of bereavement or display anger under attack. Emotions are designed to be subordinate to reason, but if emotions get out of control, there is no reasoning. Manipulation can cause reason and roles of emotions

to reverse in normal people. It is possible to bypass reason in advertising, because emotion-manipulation and propaganda techniques are interlinked. This is how it works: the mind is fed the Contrived Information or advertisement; the Emotion-dominated Reasoning, then the Emotion-dominated Analysis, and finally, Emotion-controlled Action (Philip, 014 p. 10). This simply means that reason (objectivity) is overtaken by emotions. This is generally done by the use of cunning and loaded words that are design to bypass reason and hit the emotions like a dart on the bull’s eye with manipulation. Catchwords and deceptive phrases permeate advertisements and all forms of media with the agenda of touching the emotions to win over support. How many times have you cried when you sat and watched a “feed the world” type of program? It is possibly a worthy cause deserving of all that you send in, however, the program is still designed to bypass reason and manipulate your emotions.

In a book entitled Mediaspeak, (2001); written by Roy F. Fox, there are several methods of speaking used in persuading an audience, two in particular are “doublespeak” and “salespeak.” Both are design to be deceptive and persuasive. Doublespeak is communication that is obscure, arrogant, vague and confusing. Its intention is to make that which is bad sound good or inviting; “Doublespeak is slippery. Although it often communicates a big fat lie, it more often nips at or shades the truth rather than telling obvious, black-and-white lies” (p. 48). Salespeak is perhaps more believable because it involves presenting facts that include logic, language and numbers to dominate the message. Exactly what you might see in a “feed the world” program or medical related commercials. Generally, they will use words like “statically” or “4 out 5 doctors believe” to convince their audiences that the majority supports their products. Salespeak can be persuasive directly and indirectly, especially to buy into political candidates’ beliefs, values and lifestyles. This type of persuasion can also entertain and permit escapism “as an end in itself, where we are more focused on the experiences surrounding consumerism (e.g., browsing through an L.L. Bean catalog) than we are on actually purchasing something. Salespeak occurs when messages are crafted so as to ‘hit’ a specific, ‘targeted’ audience. Therefore, salespeakers collect and analyze information about their audiences to help them shape their messages” (p. 87).

In the opinion of David Chilton, author of Productive Christians In An Age Of Guilt-Manipulation (1981), his view of advertising is a little skewed. He states that advertisers’ reason for slick, sugary, gross, stupid or infuriating tactics in their commercials is because, this is what the public wants. “The advertiser’s job is to inform potential buyers of his product. He must get the information to them in such a way that they will not miss it” (p. 135). Using these tricks are the only way to gain the attention of the consumers, is very difficult to believe. As Christian consumers, we have a right to watch television programs with the invasion of commercials that are decent. Sure sex, inflated tales and fantasies sell, but they are not necessary. Quite naturally the advertisers have to sell their product, but many commercials are extremely misleading. They are not only selling their product, but also selling promiscuity when they display half-naked beauties that have starved themselves and have been airbrushed to perfection. When in advertising beer and wine, they forget to add how many people died due to alcoholism, drunk driving and abuse; but pleasantly remember to add the pretty girls, the party and the elusion that drinking makes one cool and accepted. They sell hopes and dreams of what is being viewed in the commercial far greater than the actual product. The consumer associates the product with the fantasy, and buy not because the product is good, but because of the hopes of the fantasy being fulfilled. This happens to many people because all have fantasy-creating minds. Preying on this fact as an advertiser or propagandist is called Fantasy Manipulation, a manipulative technique where titillation and teasing is the heart of propaganda. Johnson C. Philip explains this volatile method in Analysis of Propaganda Techniques, (014) as a way of playing with the human sexual desires. Out of all the emotions people have, Philip states that sexual feelings produce the greatest impact upon the body and the spirit. Fantasies in a sexual manner produce explosive emotions, causing the average person to loose common sense. “The theme of sexual gratification dominates the thinking until they can find relief” (p.7). This is an awesome device in the hands of an advertiser or propagandist. It is the usage of direct sexual overtones to catch the attention of the viewer by which manipulation takes place in the subconscious mind. Advertisers, propagandists and producers of television programs use sexual overtones in a similar way as discussed previously on repetitious exposure. The first time being expose to particular sexual overtones may cause a Christian to be embarrassed or offended. Continued teasing becomes a turn on for the Christian. Gradually this continued teasing breaks down the resistance causing the viewer to be lured into buying a product, desiring to see a hyped program or to participate into some sinful act. How this is able to occur is explained by Philip, “Recent psychological researches have shown that fantasy might be powerful beyond imagination due to an added reason. It has been found that an average person speaks at the rate of 100 words per minute. The same person thinks at the rate of about 250 words per minute. But when he indulges in fantasizing, it becomes equivalent to about 1800 words per minute. Obviously, our minds will surrender and yield under such an onslaught of ideas flashing in such quick succession. When the power of animated TV pictures is added to it, the power to manipulate becomes incredible” (Philip, 014, p. 7).

Are Christian Children Being Shaped By What They See?

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Good parents want to see their children grow up healthy and happy. Christian parents not only want their children to be healthy and happy, but to also develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the scripture found in Proverbs 22:6, Solomon charges parents to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Many Christian parents all over the world follow this excellent advice. Godly principles according to the Bible are being taught in homes, churches and even in some private schools. But something seriously has gone wrong. Along the way of training, an interloper has infiltrated spiritual guidance and injected worldly desires, immoral behavior and corruption. The perpetrator is a nefarious beast loved by millions. Every home has one and it is commonly used as a babysitter. The culprit is none other than the television. Christian children, like heathens are flagrantly emulating what they see and hear from the “boob-tube.” They are absolutely being shaped by what they seeprodigiously. Extensive exposure to television is confusing youth and causing mixed or diverged behavior. “Nearly all American households have at least one television set and it is turned on an average of nearly eight hours a day” (Maguire, 1998, p. 175). This means for a working family with school age children the TV runs from the time the children arrive home from school, until well passed their bedtime. Between cartoons, soap operas, sitcoms and dramas there is very little to offer the children’s spirit that is edifying. Certainly, not all programs viewed on the television are bad, some are quite educational and informative, but the more popular programs children run to watch are permeated with sexual overtones and other diversions that are contrary to the Word of God. Chilton makes a valet point when he expresses that instead of television shaping the values in our children, it is our responsibility according to Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:5-7. In the Chilton’s household, he claims that he and his wife have their children programmed to turn off the television whenever a distasteful advertisement comes on the screen. He confidently states, “Their level of discernment is pretty good. Television is not shaping their values” (Chilton, p. 135). Knowing children, unless you are there to monitor them, they will watch those distasteful commercials, especially if their friends are talking about them in school. Children are really no different from their parents, they are stimulated by what they see and desire to see it again. In a study conducted in 1998, Television programming and its influence on viewers’ perceptions of commercials: the role of program arousal and pleasantness, the researchers state, “…research has demonstrated that viewers watch TV programs in part for the arousal and pleasantness those programs induce” (Broach, p. 46). Rest assured that if the commercial or program is funny, gross, or stimulating in anyway the children are going to watch it every time it comes on, distasteful or not.

In another study shared in a book written by Roy F. Fox, entitled Harvesting Minds: How TV Commercials Control Kids, (2002) we discover just how well our precious little ones know commercials. Fox explains that children are more tolerable of commercials than the average adult is, (p. 27). No matter how outdated a commercial may be a child will always enjoy his favorite. More amazingly, they know the commercial quite well. “Without a doubt, kids consistently demonstrated a very high recall of commercials’ content and structure, including an intimate knowledge of details, even down to how certain products are packaged,” as stated by Fox, (p. 28). Naturally, this should come to you as no surprise that commercials and television programs do affect the behavior of our children. They mimic what they hear and emulate what they see. These images that flash in the Christian child’s mind dictate what is fashionable, cool and acceptable. And most of the time these images mirror the world and worldly behavior. Obscene music, provocative clothing and promiscuity are the obvious affects we see: but what about the not so obvious? Secular music has been incorporated into Christian music; holy hip-hop, rap and contemporary gospel have crossed the line. The distinction between gospel and secular is becoming difficult increasingly. Our youth are piercing and tattooing their bodies as if this is an okay thing, but the Lord clearly declares in Leviticus 19:28 that, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.” This type of disfiguration is considered paganism. In addition, in some ancient cultures markings and tattoos were given to criminals and servants. Just because someone who professes being a Christian has a tattoo, piercing or anything else contrary to the Word of God, it does not mean that they are right. It just means that they were either misinformed or ignorance to the truth: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6, NKJV).

Christian children are most definitely being shaped by what they see. It is up to the parents to monitor what their children and others’ watch in their homes. Christian parents must take a stand and define godly morals by being godly examples. Avoid watching programs and commercials you would not want your children to watch or emulate. Explain to them what the Bible says about worldly behavior, and why it is important for them to follow the attributes of a Christian biblically described. Leave no stone unturned. Do not let the school system teach your children about sex first, you as a Christian parent should teach them how sex is made for marriage and it is a beautiful thing between a man and a woman only. Be the one to teach your children that drugs and alcohol do kill and destroy. Show them how to love by being lovers of God and of all mankind. Teach them encouragement by being encouraged during tough times. Be your children’s greatest fan by cheering them when they do well and be the chastiser when they rebel. Do not let the world shape your children that is your job!

Two Brief Experiments

“Test all things; hold fast what is good” 1st Thessalonians 5:21 (NKJV)

Experiment I: Commercials (Desensitization Through Repetition)


Are Christians becoming desensitized through repetitious commercials? Many who have been exposed after a period of time would say no. However, researchers have determined that not only adults are desensitized, but their children are as well. In addition, these commercials have stuck in the viewers’ memories, due to catchy jingles and fantasy-creation.


Four (4) Christian women between the ages of 25 and 50 watched four different television networks, for two hours, around the same time of day for three days. They each were given written instructions and a questionnaire.

They were asked the following:

1. Type of Commercials Viewed?

2. How many times it aired within that two-hour period?

3. Were the commercials informative or persuasive?

4. Were they sex related? If yes, how so?

5. Would you be inclined to purchase any of these products? If yes, why?

6. Were you offended by any of these commercials? If yes, how so?

7. Any catchy jingles stick in your mind? If so, which ones?

Subject A: Latisha

Latisha watched television between 6:00 - 8:00 AM (Early Morning). She viewed commercials like: tax return, money investments, local newspaper subscription, weight loss, pharmaceutical sales, hospital recruitment, trade school recruitment, computer services and mortgage company advertisements. She recorded that they were equally as persuasive as they were informative. During that two-hour period, the majority of the commercials viewed were the weight control and health related advertisements. Latisha claimed that most of the weight control/health related ads she viewed had sex-related content. There were women wearing bathing suits or a man posing to be sexy to a woman.

In answering questions 5-7, Latisha stated that none of the commercials offended her and none of the jingles were catchy enough to stick in her mind. However, she was inclined to try the weight/health related products that peeked her curious to know whether they really work or not.

Subject B: Paula

Paula watched television between 3:00 - 6:00 PM (mid-late afternoon). She viewed commercials like: informative, educational, lingerie, cell phone and diet soda advertisements. She recorded that they were very much persuasive. During that two-hour period, the majority of the commercials viewed were the lingerie and diet soda advertisements. Paula claimed that the lingerie and cell phone ads she viewed had sex-related content. Naturally, the lingerie commercials were sex-related, but surprisingly the cell phone ad exploited sexual-related content.

In answering questions 5-7, Paula stated that she was offended by the cell phone commercials and that the diet soda commercial jingle stuck to her head because she use to her the song when she was a child. She was very much inclined to buy the lingerie, because she likes lingerie, yet, she did not like the exploitation of the women.

Subject C: Vanessa

Vanessa watched television between 8:00 - 10:00 PM (Primetime). She viewed commercials like: furniture (viewed 10-15 times a night), automobile (in excess of 20 a night), and food/fast food restaurants (average of 20 per night) advertisements, among some others. She recorded that the majority of the ads she viewed were very persuasive. Only one advertisement about a learning institute was boarder line informative. No jingle stuck in her head she claimed; none of the commercials were sex-related and nor was she offended by any of them. However, one evening, she admits that she was enticed to eat after seeing so many food commercials. “The later I stayed up, the more hungry I got. The “KFC” and “McDonald” commercials were very enticing.” Another night the furniture store commercials nearly had her running to buy: “I would be inclined to buy some furniture. I like (love) Haynes and I need some new furniture. The more I saw the commercial, the more I wanted to go to Haynes and purchase something.”

Subject D: Jada

Jada watched television between 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM (Late Night). She viewed commercials like: food/restaurant, household items, pet food, personal hygiene and medication for STD advertisements. She recorded that they were equally as persuasive as they were informative. During that two-hour period, she viewed a variety of commercials. None of which appeared to be sexually related to Jada.

In answering questions 5-7, Jada stated that she was quite offended by an “Aqua Velva Man” commercial, because men and women were kissing and touching too much. She does believe that the advertisers promoted their products in such a way that appear beneficial if purchased. The jingles to “Burger King,” “Oscar Meyer” and “Applebee’s” (all food/Restaurant) commercials stuck in her head.


In examining the four Christians ladies, it is evident that these ladies are either desensitized or becoming desensitized by repeated exposure to certain commercials. Although, Subject A: Latisha found that most of the weight control/health advertisements had sex-related content, she was not offended; in fact, inclined to try the advertisers’ products to see if they really worked. Since Latisha was not bothered by the sex-related content, it is apparent that she is insensitive to sex-related material exposure, therefore being desensitized to repeated exposure. Also, fantasy-creation was obvious, since she desired to try the products to see if they would work for her as they worked for the actors.

Subject B: Paula expressed that even though she did not like the exploitation of the women in the lingerie ads, she was still inclined to purchase the lingerie because they appealed to her taste. In addition, she shared that a jingle to a diet soda commercial stuck in her memory, because it was a familiar tune.

Subject C: Vanessa watched so many food commercials in a two-hour period, until she was driven to eat. Although it was late, her emotions bypassed reasoning and desired to indulge. Also, Vanessa developed a need to purchase furniture after being exposed repeatedly.

While, Subject D: Jada stated that none of the commercials appeared to have been sex-related, one commercial did offend her due to excessive touching and kissing. This would appear to be a contradiction. Speculative, they may have been other commercials sex-related, but were unnoticed due to desensitization. Jada also stated that three food commercial jingles stuck in her mind.

Experiment II: Programs (Desensitization Through Exposure)


Are Christians becoming desensitized through the exposure of decadent programming? More and more programs are crossing the line of immorality. They are designed to expose little by little the world’s view, while it poisons innocent minds and unsuspected minds that enjoy television. People are being desensitized by these exposures and in fact willing to watched them again without complaints.


Four (4) Christian men and women between the ages of 25 and 50 watched four (4) different television networks, for four (4) hours, around the same time of day for three days. They each were given written instructions and a questionnaire.

They were asked the following:

1. Type of Program (Drama or Situation Comedy)?

2. What was the length of the program?

3. Was there moderate or excessive profanity?

4. Was there casual or crime related sex?

5. Were there any drugs or alcohol presented in a casual or criminal manner?

6. Were you exposed to homosexuality? If so, was it accepted or rejected by the actors?

7. Were any of these programs offensive to you? If so, which ones?

8. Did any of these exposures affect you?

9. Are you accustom to these exposures?

10. Which programs you watch weekly?

Subject A: Valerie

Valerie watched television between 4:00 - 8:00 PM. She watched a total of eleven (11) sitcoms and four (4) dramas. Out of the eleven sitcoms, two (2) had moderate profanity; five (5) had exposure to casual sex; and four (4) exposed her to drinking alcohol in a casual manner. Out of the four dramas, Valerie was exposed to one (1) excessive profanity; two (2) exposed her to moderate profanity; two (2) also exposed her to casual alcohol consumption; one (1) exposed her to sex crime and one (1) program also displayed acceptable homosexuality.

In answering questions 7-10, Valerie stated that some of the programs viewed appear to glorified casual sex. Another program glorified gangster and crime life and the display of disrespectful children to their parents. She was affected by the fact that casual sex, profanity and homosexuality are so acceptable: “This makes me angry.” She claimed that she has grown accustom to these moral violations, but is very much displeased with the portrayal of the parents being naive and the children as being witty and worldly. She does watch the majority of the sitcoms weekly.

Subject B: Brenda

In watching from 6:00 - 10:00 PM, Brenda summed up her viewing in an essay to express her frustrations after being exposed to particular programs: “It seems to get more disturbing to find a decent program on television. As I flipped through the channels about 60 percent of the programs are inundated with sex, homosexuality and everything else you do not want your children to be exposed to. Even this reality show called ‘Fear Factor’ is to expose you to your worst fears. How inhuman to subject your mind, body and spirit to this treatment. This type of exposure can harm you more, permanently, than cure you from your fears, especially if you do not have God. On another program, I was repulsed by two women who were kissing and then later exposed to men openly expressing their homosexuality on a show called ‘Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.’ Another night I decided to watch the music video channel (the channel 90 percent of our children watch) and discovered that they are literally having sex with their clothes on, while others look on. Another day I watched a network that was just for kids, and they were promoting that it is okay to be gay and experimenting with kissing the same sex will help you decide whether you are gay or straight. Teenagers have a lot to contend with and it is not getting any easier. We can only pray that they have a close relationship with their parents to discuss these issues if they should come up. These television programs are also promoting the use of strong language. For some, it is natural.” Brenda

Subject C: John

John watched television between 6:00 - 10:00 PM/ 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM. The first night of his viewing, John watched the “Super Bowl” although, much was not happening on the field in relations to desensitization, a great deal took place at every break and at half time. The “Super Bowl” for a little over four hours was overflowing with advertisements. The “Super Bowl” perhaps the only time on national TV where a single 30 second commercial can cost an advertiser millions of dollars. John stated that the commercials were filled with the exposure of casual sex and casual drinking. However, he was not affected by the exposure, but was offended by one commercial. The next two nights he watched four (4) dramas and one (1) sitcom. In viewing the dramas, two (2) had moderate profanity and three (3) exposed casual sex and alcohol. One (1) drama was over the top; it had excessive profanity and both crime related sex and drug/alcohol abuse. The single sitcom revealed the acceptance of casual sex.

In answering questions 7-10, John was highly offended by the movie with the excessive sexual content and language. Although he was accustomed to this type of exposures, he was very much affected by the movie.

Subject D: Jasmyn

Jasmyn watched television between 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM. She watched a total of ten (10) dramas and four (4) sitcoms. Out of the ten dramas, five (5) had excessive profanity; six (6) had exposure of casual drinking; and two (2) exposed her to sex in crime. Out of the four sitcoms, Jasmyn was exposed to one (1) excessive profanity; three (3) exposed her to moderate profanity; two (2) exposed her to casual alcohol consumption; one (1) featured homosexuality as acceptable. In fact, a gay couple was getting married. “‘Will and Grace’ had a gay wedding and it made me feel sick to where I could no longer watch.” Jasmyn claimed that she was offended by seven (7) out of fourteen (14) programs. “The language in these shows were too much and unnecessary. They usually are pretty good shows.” She is not accustomed to profanity and she finds it irritating.


All of the participants found an excessive amount of profanity; sex of a casual and/or crime nature; alcohol/drug consumption both casually and in an abusive way; and the exposure of homosexuality. Two out of four stated that they were accustomed to such exposures. However, all four complained of the severity and the extremity of such exposures. Will they no longer watch television? I think not, for it is a great source of information and entertainment.

From these findings, it can be determined that either commercials or television programs will have sex-related, alcohol or homosexual content all day long. There is no way to escape them, unless you shut the television off and vow never to turn it on again. No matter how unrealistic this may sound, it becomes the genuine solution. Less TV and more family time, sit down dinner discussions, home Bible studies and other godly projects will make for a healthy and happy life together as a Christian family. TV, video games, Internet and other activities that cause solitary or family separation are designed to sever the family bond, so the enemy can destroy.



Part 6 ~Mind Manipulation In Celebration of Holidays and Religious Practices

Part 7 ~ Christians Are Being Mind Manipulated

Part 8 ~ Overcoming Mind Manipulation

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