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Invis spell

This is a sneeky little chant for when you haven't done your homework because of course you didn't have time, because you were umm..uhhh, helping others and being nice. With thanks to Caroline for submitting this spell.

"God and Goddess hear my need and understand why i must plead for magic shafts of astral light to hide me from this teachers sight. I haven't done the work, you see, so please don't let them pick on me. Guide them to a mind so bright they'll surely find the answer's right."

A balm for abundance

To make a useful balm, blend a small jar of cold cream together with the following: 2 drops of green food coloring, 2 teaspoons rose water, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 1/4 teaspoon powdered clove, 1 teaspoon mint extract, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Beat the ingredients until well incorporated, always stirring clockwise for growing, positive energy. Chant while you stir, "I leave my life no more to chance, I evoke the power of abundance!" Visualize your needs being met. Make a label for the preparation that states its purpose‹"Bounteous Balm," for example. Use this cream on pulse points or areas of dry skin to bring revitalization physically, spiritually, and financially. If you can't find rose water, substitute dried, powdered rose petals or scented oil.

desire me spell

I would like to suggest a spell that can make you more alluring to the object of your desire by increasing your sense of self worth.

You will need: seven rose petals seven chamomile buds a handful of verbena (herb) 1 red candle

In a mortar and pestle (you can get this herb grinding/mixing implement from department stores) grind the ingredients until they are well blended together. Store these in a glass container. Every morning before you go to school (when you will see the boy you like) add half a teaspoon of the mixture to a teapot with one cup of hot (but not boiling water). Light the red candle as the mixture steeps, gaze at the candle flame and say:

"Loveable loveable, such am I by sun and sea, land and sky the beauty of spirit resides in me Goddess I declare So Mote It Be"

Say this three times and then drink the tea feeling it infuse you with a sense of beauty and personal power. Within seven days you will be fighting off potential suitors.

Spell bottles

Spell bottles, also known as Witch bottles, have been in use in England and the United States since at least the 1600s. Spell bottles were originally created to destroy the power of an evil magician or witch thought to have cast a spell against the bottle's creator. They were often ceramic vessels, filled with hair, nails, and even the victim's urine. They were also walled up into new homes as magical guardians. Spell bottles of this type continued to be used well into the 19th century.

Spell bottles are apparently of English origin. Still, one example made from a glass wine bottle dated at 1740-1750 was found in Pennsylvania in 1976. And so, such protective devices certainly found their way from England to the United States with the colonists

Spell bottles of the type described above are rarely if ever made today. However, other forms are still in use. These consist of a container, usually glass, filled with various objects of magical potency. Spell bottles are made for a variety of purposes, and are used in numerous ways.

Some are hidden, while others are placed in windows of the home or in other prominent spots. All are concentrations of energy, created and empowered for specific magical purposes.

we can also give you instructions for making spell bottlesthe imfomation is below , but you can create many other types devoted to a multitude of magical needs. You could make a small spell bottle for your car, create and bury one in your garden for good growth, place one in a sickroom to speed the return of good health, and hang one near your pet's home. Using the tables at the end of this book will assist you in creating the magical 'recipe" of your own spell bottles.

If, for some reason, your spell bottle is broken, simply create a new one.

Spell Bottle #1:

House Protection Spell Bottle

Since the earliest spell bottles were created for protection, it seems fitting to begin with one made for this purpose. Ideally, such a bottle will be walled up in a new home under construction, or placed under the floorboards. If this is impossible, simply place it in a position of importance somewhere in the home.

Items needed: · 1 glass jar with cork stopper or lid (a small canning jar is fine) · 1/2 to 1 cup salt (depending on size of jar) · 3 cloves garlic · 9 bay leaves · 7 tbsp. dried basil · 4 tbsp. dill seeds · 1 tbsp. sage · 1 tbsp. anise · 1 tbsp. black pepper · 1 tbsp. fennel · 1 bowl

In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items. Place the salt into the bowl and say:

Salt that Protects, protect my home and all Within it

Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say: Garlic that protects, Protect my home and all Within it.

Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say: Bay that Protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the basil and say: Basil that protects, protect my home and all Within it.

Add the dill and say: Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the sage and say: Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the anise and say: Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the pepper and say: Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the fennel and say: Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands. Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary.

Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal tightly and place in your home with the following words:

Salt and herbs, nine times nine Guard now this home of mine.

It is done.
