New Members
I would like to take this time to welcome the following new members into the company:
Chuck Osman
Glymn Osman
Joseph Cleary and son
Jason Lender
Micheal Clarke
Chad Wilkes
Jake Brooks
John Hart
Greg Young
From the rest of the company and myself, welcome aboard.
Living History Events
In the past we have had problems getting members to participate. It has been decided that those members who attend will have there insurance paid by the company funds starting in 2005.
The people who come out do this in order to help put money into the company funds in which everyone in the company benefits from. They receive nothing for there time and effort and we feel this is the least that the company can do for them.
We will be doing the Hanover event which in the past we have received 400.00 dollars. For 2004 the event will be the last day of April and the first day of May.
We also have a bid in to do the Wax Museum, we won't know what dates we got until sometime in Jan. This year we received 400.00 dollars for doing it. We also picked up two new recruits.
The Danville event is up in the air at this point as the lady who was in charge is no longer going to do it. We did however receive 200.00 dollars this year and we will look into it for next year.
Christmas Party
I need to know if the company would like to have a Xmas party in 2004 or would the company prefer to have a company picnic and/or go to a campground.
Financial Report 2003
We started the year out with a balance of $234.56
Balance: 234.56
Deposit: 1,809.50
Total: 2,044.06
Pay outs: 1,143.21
Balance as of 12/14/03
Please note: There is a total of 25.00 outstanding which is due by company members.
Due to this money not being paid yet, effective Jan. 1,2004 ALL members must have their registration money in by the due date in order to be registered for an event.
All pay outs were for ANV insurance and events with the exception of two. They were as follows. 1) 94.71 was paid out for the company picnic and 2) 230.00 was paid out for a company rifle and bayonet. Both purchases were done by a company vote.