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More body work

Sanding with my boy

My son (Dana, 3 years old) drove his tractor into the garage because he wanted to sand and paint it as well.

Tail in primer

I did a body panel at a time then put it in primer so I could move to the next one. In this way I could do the car as money was available. Also I could keep driving it. I wanted to get some miles on the motor after putting it back in. I went to the Monday night car shows at the local Dennys (my car club hosts) with somthing diffrent every week. The guys call it the "car of many colors", like the song "my coat of many colors".

Tail in primer

I primerd the front 2/3 together. I wanted it to be all one color again. Also I can start the fine body work because after primer you can see the body shape better.