Updated as of April 20th, 2023
Hello, Welcome to the 70s invasion Downloads section 39 created on dec 29th 2022, ......starting this page with native American Indian rock and folk music, Filipino pop music of the 70s, Mexican pysch from El Ritual, an early 70s band who painted their faces as was popular amongst rock bands, specifically glam rock bands at the time,...... also a documentary trailer for country singer Linda Martell, and some unearthed previously unreleased concert clips from Mr. Sid Vicious recorded shortly before he died.....cool lp from Mirabai, a talented girl who had some help from Led Zeppelin, within the album from '75, she sings a song for Krishna, assorted gospel music from Mylan LeFevre, and others, also towards the bottom from Cheapo Records, an old doo wop song from the 50s from the Precisions...3 films of the early 70s, one on ny. City gang life, and the other 2 based on love :) ...towards the bottom are 3 songs from a singer who was part Cherokee Indian, this is a guy at the time whose mother received millions of letters from around the world of people who loved his music and what was doing, but she also got letters from millions of Conservatives who said how much they hated him, and that she, and her husband were gonna burn in hell for bringing this boy into the world, his name was Elvis Presley.....on our homepage we have an lp of daughter Lisa Marie Presley reviewed many yrs ago...
( Conservatives and their brethren are considered to be humans of lowest iq in the UNIVERSE, and are looked down upon in all life forms be they human, animal, or alien )
Elvis maternal great-great-great grandmother was a Cherokee woman named Morning White Dove. Morning White Dove married a man named William Mansell, who was of French ancestry, back at this time it was not uncommon in the south for marriages between whites and Indians...
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Arthur Compton agrees with Robert A. Millikan that there is no conflict whatsoever between science and religion when each is correctly understood. The purpose of science is to develop a knowledge of the facts, the laws and the processes of nature. The even more important task of religion is to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind.
The Christian view of man which modern culture ostensibly rejects is that God, as the source of all existence, creates the world which is "good." Man, created and finite, both body and spirit, understood primarily from the standpoint of God, is made in "the image of God." and capable of fellowship with him. The homelessness of the human spirit is the ground of all religion, for man cannot find meaning of life in himself or the world, but only in God. If there is a God, adequate to the whole universe and to humanity's need, he must have revealed himself, whether in nature or in history, in the prophets or in Christ, if we are to discover him in experience.
Reminding ourselves again of Luther's word, " God is in heaven and thou upon earth, " we must not scorn the dim or broken light that we have, for it is quite enough to show the way for practical living. We must frankly recognize that our readers are of two classes, those who move in the sphere of what has been traditionally called natural religion, and those who accept what is termed revealed religion. The first place chief emphasis upon reason, the second upon faith. Natural theology is the scientific study of religion. The believer in natural religion thinks that a rational analysis of life will help him to arrive at the meaning of life. The believer in revealed religion is convinced that beyond the utmost reach of human reason the great mysteries and antinomies of life remain forever unsolved. He holds that God is not and cannot be adequately revealed in nature and history, but that the divine is revealed in a measure in all life, and all religions, there is a special self disclosure of God through the prophets, culminating in Jesus Christ, who is the fundamental and final disclosure of divine nature.
There is thus a correlation between natural religion and reason and between divine revelation and faith. The believer in natural religion may hold that nature and history are an adequate revelation of God, but the believer in revealed religion thinks that nature and history require revelation to complete them. This personal God can be adequately revealed only in and through persons, though this revelation is refracted or distorted by essential defects in these persons.
When Mr. Gandhi goes to prison he always takes with him four precious books--- the Bhagavad-Gita, the New Testament, something of Tolstoy's. and Ruskin's Unto This Last. He also takes a trunkful of new books. Gandhi says - I call myself a Sanatani Hindi because I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and all Hindu scriptures, and therefore in divine incarnation. I do not disbelieve in "idol-worship."
I believe that no one truly knows the scriptures who has not attained perfection in innocence, trust, and self control and who has not renounced all possession of wealth. I believe in God and his Oneness, in rebirth and salvation. I believe the Bible, the Koran, and the Zend-Avesta to be as much divinely inspired by the Vedas. ( Gandhi's favorite hymn was said to be " when I survey the wondrous cross )....
Excerts from the book 'Man Discovers God' by Sherwood Eddy 1942
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“The older I get, the less conservative I become.”
“Tell the truth. Sing with passion. Work with laughter. Love with heart. ‘Cause, that’s all that matters in the end.”
“Everything that I write is sort of autobiographical, and I don’t know that I’m getting better, but I’m certainly running out of time
These 3 quotes are from musician/actor - Kris Kristofferson,
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Chapter 6: Sankhya-yoga TEXT 34
cancalam hi manah krsna pramathi balavad drdham tasyaham nigraham manye vayor iva su-duskaram
cancalam—flickering; hi—certainly; manah—mind; krsna—O Krsna; pramathi—agitating; balavat—strong; drdham—obstinate; tasya—its; aham—I; nigraham—subduing; manye—think; vayoh—of the wind; iva—like; suduskaram—difficult.
For the mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Krsna, and to subdue it is, it seems to me, more difficult than controlling the wind.
The mind is so strong and obstinate that it sometimes overcomes the intelligence, although mind is supposed to be subservient to the intelligence. For a man in the practical world who has to fight so many opposing elements, it is certainly very difficult to control the mind. Artificially, one may establish a mental equilibrium toward both friend and enemy, but ultimately no worldly man can do so, for this is more difficult than controlling the raging wind. In the Vedic literatures it is said:
atmanam rathinam viddhi sariram ratham eva ca buddhintu sarathim viddhi manah pragraham eva ca indriyani hayanahur visayams tesu gocaran atmendriya-mano-yukto bhoktety ahur manisinah.
"The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body, and intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument, and the senses are the horses. The self is thus the enjoyer or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. So it is understood by great thinkers." Intelligence is supposed to direct the mind, but the mind is so strong and obstinate that it often overcomes even one's own intelligence. Such a strong mind is supposed to be controlled by the practice of yoga, but such practice is never practical for a worldly person like Arjuna. And what can we say of modern man?
.....( you probably didn't completely grasp what you just read in this excert from the vedas with translation by Srila Prabhupada, so read it again and see this link for the rest of chapter 6 verse 34 :)
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Funky family - good dancer.
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The following 2 excerts were taken from News of the Wierd. For the week of Jan 20th 2023 -
Animal Antics
Carrier pigeons have been couriers of legitimate and nefarious items for centuries, but officials at the Pacific Institution in Abbotsford, British Columbia, nonetheless were stunned when a gray bird with a Tiny Backpack landed in a fenced inmate prison yard on Dec. 29. The CBC reported that officers "had to corner it," according to John Randle, Pacific regional president of the Union for Canadian Correctional Officers. "You can imagine how that would look, trying to catch a pigeon." After some time, they were able to grab it and remove the package, which contained about 30 grams of crystal meth. "We've been focusing so much on drone interdiction ... Now we have to look at, I guess, pigeons again," Randle said. They set the little guy free and are investigating its origin. [CBC, 1/6/2023]
Early on Jan. 14, in Monterrey, Mexico, Carlos Alonso, 32, allegedly broke a glass door at Christ the King Parish and entered, intending to rob the church, Catholic News Agency reported. But as he tried to flee with a statue of St. Michael the Archangel in hand, he tripped and fell on the angel's sword, seriously wounding his neck. Passersby saw the injured Alonso and called for help; he is expected to be charged after he recovers from the fall. The statue was unharmed.
A man dressed as a giant 7ft penis has been arrested by police after women complained he had been harassing them. Military Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, arrested the man dressed as the giant phallus in the city centre on Sunday for 'acting suspiciously'. A picture of the arrest shows the man wearing an inflatable manhood costume and a pair of flip-flops being led away peacefully by an officer. ....see more bizarre news stories at the official site for News of the Wierd at this link -
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Faith must not be used to mean conjecture, or guess, or fond hope, or jaunty wish, or our throw of ballot. It must be insight of the type that guides the scientist when he creates his hypothesis to interpret unmistakable facts, or of the statesman who sees this line of manifest destiny for his nation to follow in its hour of crisis, or of the moral hero who "cannot do otherwise" in the full light of his vision. No one of these insights is of course an infallible certainty. It must be in the last analysis an adventure, an invisible surmise, but it must not be a throw of dice, a chance bet, a caprice of our will.
What we find in the mystic, therefore, is not a miraculous figure, nor the instrument of a supernatural happening, but rather an intensified human orgab for the affirmation of the reality of God and for the richer interpretation of His character. He belongs primarily not in the class of the logician, the scientist or the philosopher, but rather in the class with those geniuses who have been the revelers of music and beauty and the widest ranges of the other intrinsic values of life.
Excert from the book - Pathways to the Reality of God, by Rufus M. Jones 1931.
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.... judge Van Landschoot
of Las Vegas, corrupt as hell judge now retired, kamala harris....corrupt prosecutor now portraying a worse role as a wicked witch, yes one is reminded of her current role in a disguise, ( Margaret Hamilton as the witch in the wizard of oz flying on a broomstick laughing, a, ha, ha, I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too, this is her mentality as she put away many innocent people in jail....( be sure to see the 2 links below regarding Kevin Cooper as an individual in jail for many years, and he is completely innocent)
.... judge Van Landschoot...."howdy stranger", 👋..."now there's a man who leads a life of danger....it's cold outside....do you think he cares if it was cold when he destroyed people's lives, and disrupted history when if he found out if you have ever been homeless or poor, he tagged on extra time while you sit defenseless in jail, so what happened ? 160 different attempts were made where people came after him,...one guy drew a gun, but van Landschoot drew faster and killed him....🐎 , 👨 🧍♂️, 🔦 ....but the media portrays them as criminal, really whose the bigger criminal ?? ....... him....these days in his retirement he enjoys as do a lot of conservatives supporting donald trump, in their world they worship him so much that they are brainwashed into buying Trump nfts.and investing in Donald Trump underwear, as these 2 items are all the rage amongst conservatives, especially in brentwood ......some of these strange breed of guys like Van Landschoot really enjoy their Trump underwear, same for the stepford wives they marry. Cause having Trumps smiling face a few inches from their genitals makes them feel you know .....special, it gives the conservative a feeling of power, and safety,
many conservatives who buy and wear Trump underwear are making ridiculous claims, but stand by their opinions when they publicly state that they believe that by having the image of Trump close to their cajones gives them confidence they claim they have never experienced in their lives, that they believe because they proudly wear Trump underwear that it gives them a sort of mystical power, yes many of them believe Trump to be a mystical hero come here to save the human race, this couldn't be further from the truth, Its actually a false sense of power they have received, you can sometimes tell who is wearing Trump underwear secretly as many of them start to randomly start to engage in old time dances....🕺 💃 on the street such as the cha, cha, the Charleston, when no music is playing, some even dance the Madison, but these dance routines are seen as total Nerd activities by people well aware that supporting any conservative agendas is an activity becoming more obsolete every day, conservatives are laughed at for their beliefs in the new fad of Trump nfts and underwear, it's as if a really bad joke is being perpetuated on the American public....
....ya know most people who are in or PRETEND to be in roles of authority such as ; security guards, police officers, lawyers, judges, and priests are for the most part, just normal law abiding people just doing their job, but BEHIND the SCENES lurk pure evil people in these positions of power who distort the truth and lie to make lots of money, and lie to people. So if you witness or know of their secrets, tell someone, or better yet make it news, you know, a book, a ahh fanzine, or yes a video, shown to expose them.....it is also your right as a citizen to file a complaint against them so they LosE THEIR JOBS... It is said that the wisest of men are those who expose evil people who take advantage of the innocent ....
But wait these 2 people and many more like them are actually very educated, and with that education yes they put away a lot of horrible, disturbed people who really deserve to be in prison, so sure they have done a lot of good in this area, but when the same system that incarcerates people who have to be kept away from society, there are scores of innocent people being kept captive, they cannot be next to plant life, animal life, next to strangers in a public park all completely at ease with one another,.........no they are held there still,......then if these are the people who represent the powerful elite, why is there an apparent unbalance in their judging people, when they don't represent the everyday man's opinion.....
and these are the people who control society, all these conservatives who really engage in wearing secret undergarments, and keeping innocent people in jail, it's almost as if revenge of the nerds was a horror film come to life instead of a comedy, but the joke is on us, what an insult to our intelligence, is this the way the American public supposed to continue ?
We moved the rest of this socio political commentary to an extension of this page at this link here -
🌪 https://splinternews.com/why-oppose-a-dna-test-that-could-free-an-innocent-man-1832816713
Check out Music Dawn's Gospel music section for the latest in incredible gospel sounds praising God, think of this type of music as a cure from the onslaught of phony American culture....
Check out the sound of the Nashville Vioces and others at this link -
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1 Arizona Youth Caravan - Someday at peace. - ( XIT cover ) - early 70s
2 Mylon LeFevre and the Holy Smoke Doo. Dah band - Jesus is a Waymaker/Old Gospel Ship- '71
3 Bob Dylan - Billy 4 - '73
4 Sid Vicious - live concert clips - sept. 30th '78
5 the Professionals. - here we go again - '79
6 Nu'rons - hurry up tomorrow - '80
7 The story of Linda Martell - ( documentary ) 2022
8 The four tracks - charade - '74
9 Galaxy Strange - Stayed on my mind
10 Edmonton International Pop Festival - ( Canada ) . ( Little sister aka Family stone ) - '72
11 Roxy Music - Mother of Pearl - '74
12 Bay City Rollers - Saturday night - '76
13 El ritual - conspiration - '71
14 Freeport -lp - '70
15 Ozzie - ( Sacramento band ) - Parabolic Rock Compilation ' 75 - '82 )
16 Zipper - lp - '75
17 Circuit Rider - lp - '71
18 Gate - lp - red light sister - '77
19 Dhope - musical exhibitions - lp - '78
20 Mud - vambo rules - '76
21 Mud - up around the bend - '70
22 Roy Mercer - dead hamster - ( phone prank comedy ) - 1 - 1 - 1994
23 Oho - lp - '74
24 Mirabai - lp - '75
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25 Flash fearless vs zorg women lp. ( Alice Cooper, Elkie Brooks, John Entiwistle, ) - '74
26 Scott Walker - it's raining today - '69
27 Arliene nofchissey - go my son
28 Far East Family band - The cave down to the earth lp - '75
29 Blast from the past - bato sa buhangin - 70s
30 Manila 70s Pop compilation ( Filipino singers /bands)
31 Hotdog - greatest hits - 70s
32 Shinki Chen and Friends - lp - Shinki Chen - '71
33 The Feelies - the good earth - lp - '86
34 Laurie Anderson - big science - '84
35 Talking Heads - 96 tears - '75
36 Joanie Spain - side show - '76
37 Graham central station - Hair
38 20th Century Steel band - Heaven and hell - '75
39 Maxann - moonfunk - '74
40 John Batiste - Live - Time 100 Summit - 2022
41 The education of Sonny Carson - film - '74
42 Honky - movie - '71
43 Two People - movie - Lindsey Wagner, Peter Fonda - '72
44 Isao Tomita. Catastrophe -( film soundtrack) -'74
45 Yellow Cook - summer comes
46 Susan Springfield band - if only - '80
47 Le stelle di Mario Schifano - dedicato - lp - '67
48 Piero Piccionni - lp - '74
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49 Policeband - Stereo/Mono - '79
50 Chrome - alien soundtracks lp - '77
51 Random Hold - etcetera- lp - '79
52 The Speedies - let me take your photo - '79
53 Louder, Faster, Shorter. - UXA, Avengers, Sleepers - live - '78
54 Lori and the Chameleons - touch - '79
55 Television Personalities. - if i could write poetry - '82
56 15 60 75 the Numbers band - Jimmy belll is still in town ) - '76
57 Constant Penelope - the gentle power of song - '67
58 Heal your soul - Ancestral chants from Native Americans
59 Jesse Ed Davis - keep me coming - '73
60 George Leach - Indian time - 2000
61 Nihaa shil hozh - Im so happy with you ( Tom Bee) - 2021
62 Elvis Presley - suspicious minds - live
63 Elvis Presley - Alla' en el Rancho
64 The Precisions - day in, day out - ( Cheapo Records )
65 Crosby, Stills, Nash,, and Young - American Dream - '89
66 The Lloyd singers - I feel the spirit coming on - 70s
67 Henrietta Thomas - I want you ( right now)
68 Step by Step - people - '76
69 The Freedom Family Band - Return to Love - 2022
70 The Freedom Family Band - cura - 2020
71 Frank Sinatra - you'll never know - 1943
72 Downloads section 40 . * . * . *