1. What was the first song you mastered on guitar?

I dont believe I would ever want to master anything in life, cause once you think you have, is the minute you stop pushing yourself at whatever it is you are trying to acheive.

2. Now that you have had the opportunity to write music both as part of a band, and as a solo artist, which do you prefer and why?

Solo artist because I have the freedom to express myself 100% instead of 50% as a guitarist I could only tell half of the story, as a singer/guitarist I can finally tell the whole story.

3. When you are writing a song, are the lyrics and music equally important to you?


4. What would be more important to you; Achieving fame and recognition in the media, or maintaing your fan base that already exists?

I have always stayed true to my music and who I am, and I always will.....you can not be fake in this business, if its real the fans will see that and stick by you, if its fake they wont......fame just comes along with the territory.

5. What should we all be expecting with the release of your debut album?

This album is by far my best work yet, it's going to part your hair right down the middle!!

6. Would you consider yourself a workaholic? Perfectionist?

to say the least.....

7. You lock yourself up @ Chrome Bones for hours on end, do you ever relax? LOL! Do you ever sleep?

I have to much in life that I want to accomplish, I'll sleep and relax when Im dead.

8. Has an artist you admired ever given you any words of wisom that struck a chord? Care to share your own words of wisdom??

Eddie Van Halen, once told me, learn the business side of music as if its your second instument.

Time for the always fun, word association game (YAY ;) FUN!)

What do you think of when you hear (or in this case read) the word:

- Classic Rock: Van Halen

- Sundae: A damn good time!!!

- Fame: 15 minutes

- Tour: Road trip to hang with all my fans

- Pop: coca cola

- Ding Dong(LOL! You know I had to...): Ho- ho's

That's it! Thanks soooo much DJ! xoxo Andrea :)

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