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The Wicked Witch of Sci-Fi


MODERATOR: Welcome everyone. We've got a special treat tonight! Bonnie Hammer, President of Sci-Fi Channel, and world reknown
                          Science Fiction Expert has flown in for a Live Chat with us, about Sci Fi's newest production, Battlestar Trek.

                      Hi Bonnie! Thank you so much for stopping by tonight. BTW, nice broom! Is that a Nimbus 2000?

BONNIE: :) Hi. No, are you kidding, a 2000? This is a Mercedes 2002. (pause) 2000, how pedestrian... Hi Everyone!

MODERATOR: So Bonnie, what can you tell us about Battlestar Trek?

BONNIE: Well, I'm very excited about this new production. It's so different than anything else we have ever done. It is a complete, and total
                 re-imagine of the Old show Battlestar Galactica. Ranald D. Moore, the man credited with saving the Star Trek franchise was my
                 first choice to come aboard to Helm this ambitious venture. The script he has penned is exactly the direction I wanted to go in...

MODERATOR: Really? Wow! What can you tell us about the new show?

BONNIE: I can tell you this, it is going to be the most exciting thing Sci-Fi Channel has ever done. It's younger, hipper, and so more happening
                than that previous drivel. We've systematically gone through and eliminated everything I personally didn't like about the Old show,
                which I'm happy to say is most of it. We've started assembling a Cast worthy of this new, fresh, and happening production. I can
                tell you a little secret, my flying monkeys, ah, I mean staff, just finished inking the contract with Britney Spears just as I was heading
                over here.

MODERATOR: Really? Wow! What can you tell us about her part?

BONNIE: Well, it was my feeling from the beginning, that we needed a strong female lead to really head up the cast. One of the changes we made
                from the Old show was this idea that Athena was the Bridge Assistant, and Apollo was the Warrior. Now, it will be Apollo who will spend
                most of his time on the Bridge, and Athena will be the one blasting around the Galaxy in her slick Runabout Shuttle, saving the Universe.
                Ronald, of course, agreed with me completely on that.

MODERATOR: Really? Wow! So Apollo will have a smaller part in this new show?

BONNIE: That's what I just said, isn't it?

MODERATOR: Well, don't you think the fans will be upset by that, after all, one of the things that seemed to really peg the meter in all the marketing
                          research about Galactica was that relationship between Apollo and Starbuck?

BONNIE: Screw the Fans! We're not making this show for the Fans of that old drivel. We're making this show for the new Fans, and of course, for
                merchandising. Besides, Sci Fi fans for the most part are malcontent little weasels that need to grow up and get a life. I mean really, As If
                I would really do anything based on what the "Fans" want.  Seeing as I am President of the Sci-Fi Channel, I am infinetly more qualified to
                know what Sci-Fi is, than Fans.

MODERATOR: Really? Wow! Who else is going to be in the show?

BONNIE: I can't tell you all of them yet, but we are in talks with Justin Timberlake and Will Wheaton. I feel that they'll be the best one to really breath
                life into the Starbuck and Apollo characters. I can give you a little hint about their relationship in the new show, this will be the first time
                Sci-Fi Channel has delved into this particular kind of relationship before...

Really? Wow! How is the production moving along so far?

Thankfully, we're right on schedule. In fact, I've got to wrap this up, I've got somebody waiting on the rack, oops, I mean in my Office
                regarding some ridiculous Union Pay Scale thing. Trust me, he'll see the error of his ways.

Really? Wow! OK Bonnie, we've just got one last question from someone in our chatroom. Go ahead with your question Seymore...

SEYMORE - TUPELO, MS: Hi Bonnie, I'm your bigest fan in the whole world! My qustion is this, is Batlestar Trek going to be kool?

BONNIE: Yes! Goodnight Everyone!

MODERATOR: Well there you have it everyone, it's going to be kool. My special thanks to Bonnie Hammer for stopping by to talk with us. Don't forget
                          to mark your calendar for next Tuesday night, when we'll have Jack Meoff, Producer and Director of the new reimagining of that favorite
                          old series Gilligans Island!

                          Goodnight Everyone!

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