


307 lbs


July 23rd 1980



The lights turn out and blue sirens go off. "Push It" by Static X blasts off as blue spotlights paint the ramp as he walks out from behind the curtain. Marike follows a short distance behind. He flexes his massive arms and torso for the fans then sprints down the ramps and slides into the ring.

He wears a black singlet, with black boots. His hair is jet black, short and spiked. Oz wears no padding, and no jewelry. He has a gothic cross wrapped in barb wire tattooed on his right bicep and a Rottweiler on his left. His eyes are jet black, whether or not this is natural is still up for debate. He tapes his forearms and hands much like a boxer with white tape.

He is a brutal wrestler, doing alot of damage very quickly. His strength is unmatched by anyone his size, He has even overpowerd seven foot four hundred pound behemoths with relative ease. He is extremely quick and agile for a wrestler of his size and bulk. He often suprizes his opponents, catching them completely off gaurd with his serpentine quickness and efficiency.While he is brutal, he is also very quick to anger. He will throw a match away just to brutalize someone who has affronted him during his match. He is also very inefficient in brawls. While his massive strength allows him to keep up somewhat he is not trained very well in slugfests. He has a penchant for driving people through objects, whether its illegal or not. It doesn't bother him one iota.

Favourite Weapon/s

Marike Strokes

Favourite Moves
1. All kinds of Suplexes
2. Short Arm clothesline
3. Military Press Slam
4. Judgement Slam
5. Armdrag into Armbar
6. Superkick
7. Bearhug
8. Boston Crab
9. DDT
10. U Hook Powerbomb

The Concussion: He sets them up for a powerbomb. When he flips his opponent up, he wraps his arms around thier legs and hits them with a slingshot spinebuster.

The Nullifier: When opponent is kneeling, he stands on their heels and locks in a Dragon Sleeper

Oz was born and raised to be a man of strenth. His father ran a construction business and since before xe can remember he was always carrying or dragging heavy loads. Well along came school and the opportunity to work out and it became a passion. He fined tuned his body into a mass of muscle and power by the age of eighteen. He competed in numerous powerlifting events, even winning the World Strongest Man competition. That is when Chris Reed, President of the NEWF noticed him. He brought him into the fold and quickly forgot about him. That would all change and Oz went on to have the most memorable match of the January Pay Per View. Shortly thereafter because of events uncontrollable to him, he was forced to resign from the company. Now he is a free agent looking for work.

