"The Outsider" Shawn Matters



210 lbs



London, England, UK


"Speculum" By Adema begins to play over the Pa system causing the lights to dim slightly. The sound of bells begin to ring and a figure walks out. The figure has a slight limp to his walk and his ripped and bloody clothes make him seem like a butcher from a slaughter house. The figure's face is cold as he makes his way towards the centre of the ramp. He stops as what looks like lightening begins to shoot around him. Then flames shoot up around the entrance ramp trapping the figure. The figure walks on and walks through the fire until reaching the ring. Where Shawn Matters climbs into the ring and stands in the centre. He then takes his bloody shirt off and throws it into the crowd. His body is perfectly formed as he begins to hit a few jabs into the air. His hands wrapped with bandage reminding him of his past job of fighting in backstreet fights.

The Outsider is a rather musclar man for his size. His hair is short and black like the death he brings with him into the ring. A deep scar is close to his right eye caused by a knife attack when he was 17 on the streets of London where a homeless Scot attacked him for his money. Shawn Matters has rather dark circles around his eyes due to lack of sleep. His eyes are a deep blue but show no pity when he is in the ring or out of it. Shawn Matters has no facial hair. Shawn Matters wears specially made trousers or jeans which are made from fabric which is both flexible for his high risk moves and able to with stand the heavy ring work and brawls he has been involved in. The pattern is that of complete blackness with some judo symbols on the sides coloured in white. Shawn Matters wears light trainers or specially made ring boots to allow him the speed and protection in the ring. Shawn Matters sometimes brings with him a judo stick or kendo stick to show off his heavy martial arts and street fighting skills.

He is a brutal wrestler, doing alot of damage very quickly. His strength is unmatched by anyone his size, He has even overpowerd seven foot four hundred pound behemoths with relative ease. He is extremely quick and agile for a wrestler of his size and bulk. He often suprizes his opponents, catching them completely off gaurd with his serpentine quickness and efficiency.While he is brutal, he is also very quick to anger. He will throw a match away just to brutalize someone who has affronted him during his match. He is also very inefficient in brawls. While his massive strength allows him to keep up somewhat he is not trained very well in slugfests. He has a penchant for driving people through objects, whether its illegal or not. It doesn't bother him one iota.

Favourite Moves
1. Back Breaker Drop, Stretch
2. Springboard Shooting Star Body Press Suicida
3. Springboard Moonsault DDT
4. Various kicking moves, e.g Superkick.
5. Leg Drop
6. Mat Slam, Crossed Arms Reverse
7. Neck Breaker, Arm Trap Shoulder
8. Various Piledrivers
9. Senton Bomb
10. Somersault Body Attack
11. Vertical Splash
12. Armbar, Crucifix
13. Half Crab aka. Texas Clover Leaf Hold
14. Sunset Flip
15. Various Suplexes, eg. Belly 2 Belly.
15. Tiger Suplex

The Eye Of The Tiger: A Top-rope Tiger Driver '91 which is considered the most dangerous wrestling move ever.

Black Out: Vertebreaker. Plain and simple brutal. Shawn Matters trademark move or finisher when he is away from the turnbuckles:

Shawn Matters was born into a poor family from Reading. Shawn Matters was taught to steal and fight to survive at a very young age. His mother and father were killed in a drug raid at his uncles warehouse. Shawn Matters was 12 at the time and so was forced into a child care home where his attitude got him into a lot of trouble. However Shawn Matters managed to gain 4 GCSE's in Sports, English, Science, Maths. His keen interest in fighting started after the killing of his mother and father where he trained in a gym with the cities greatest martial arts teachers. Shawn Matters gained a lot of life skills from his master and mentor. However Shawn Matters had a dispute over money and was kicked out. Shawn Matters used his learnt skills to gain respect in school by beating the crap out of anyone who looked at him funny. Shawn Matters strongest strength was his agility and gymnastic skills. Shawn Matters used his school learning to perfect some of the more crazy arial moves in pro wrestling today. Shawn Matters turned 17 and was in collage. Studying Sports Science. Shawn Matters left the school with an A* pass on Sports Science and life looked great until another tragedy stuck him. His Girlfriend was assaulted and raped. She later committed suicide and this was all because of a fellow student in the University. This enraged Shawn Matters and he attacked the student in a brutal attack of revenge. Shawn was so angry that he threw the studant off a balcony of steeps where the Student died instantly. Shawn had to leave everything behind him as the police where looking for him. Shawn now at the age of 19 ran to London in hope of hiding from the police. With no money Shawn Matters was forced to live on the streets until one fateful night he stumbled across some men having a street fight. This illegal fighting sport in which two men would fight until one was taken down or killed was popular and many people placed bets. Shawn Matters used his skills learn in sports and fighting to fight his way to the top gaining money and his reputation rose. Years of Street fighting gained his hard tough fighting style yet there was still something he needed. A sport which he could use his skills to gain a bigger name for himself and lots of money. That sport was pro wrestling. A chance encounter with the wrestler named Shane "The Slicer" Collins who placed a large sum of money on Shawn Matters took Shawn Matters under his wing and taunt him what he knows today. Shawn Matters may be smaller than Shane Collins but he is much more able to lift up people taller than him and his killer speed and high risk nature hooks the wrestling fans straight away. However Shawn Matters is know to be extremely stiff to work with and his trademark and finisher moves are the most dangerous wrestling moves in the sport today.

