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They divide us up in many ways. One of their most prominent divisions is the creation of what are known as classes. We have thrown the word class around so far many times. Here is the breakdown.

Ruling class or Capitalist class

They are at the very top of the food chain. An estimated 1-1.6% of the world. This class has all the money and property; in turn, all the power. They control our lives, our communities, our financial status, what we view on T.V, what you read in the Newspapers, and so on. They have a very effective and socially accepted way of holding onto power and keeping it within their families and Class. It is a little loophole in the law called inheritance. This way, the power and finances will never be up for grabs amongst society, especially those at the bottom of the totem pole, but rather work a vicious circle, around and around, from the hands of one Capitalist to the other.

For Example. Picture a game of Monkey in the Middle. The Monkey can not, for the most part, actually catch the ball, but can only obtain the object by someone messing up or making an Uh Oh by dropping the ball. Everyone scrambles for the ball, but only one will get it. Picture that ball power, and that is the basis of this cycle.

Middle Class

They run small businesses, usually on the boards of many local governments or on somewhat of a support program with local authorities. You also have your somewhat of a wannabe big shot boss like a supervisor, managers managerial treasurers, and so on who is a capitalist in training, even though they are nothing more than a peon at the workplace when put on the scale of Capitalism. They can also be the teacher that decides what curriculum our children will learn at school. They have the power to throw out the required textbooks, which are contradictory and brainwashing in themselves, and teach their own opinions.

This class, around 30-34% of the world, is more or less a diversion class to make workers think that they are the sole enemy. Therefore shifting blame from the never seen, incognito ruling class to your supervisor, petty manager, and others who we view as the big "Bosses" and blame for our no life, home life, and financial problems.

Working Class

We are the majority of the world, over 55% of it!. From factory workers to secretaries, to construction workers, to the person greeting you with a smile at Taco Bell. From the people who clean the houses and buildings of the affluent, to the people forced into sweatshops in foreign countries, who are primarily made up of women and children, to produce your designer fashion that you so badly need. From illegal immigrant workers, to the legal postal worker. 90% of the people you come in contact with will fall into this class. We make the Capitalist society, economy, and political structure possible, and just like that, with the snap of a finger through the unification of workers, WE CAN SHUT IT DOWN.

To divide us even more, the rulers try to exploit our differences. Whether it be racially, culturally, sexually, or financially.

They have working class white men and women at one side of the arena, waiting to go into battle against working class People of Color with the socially accepted, very often enforced, white skin privilege. They exploit this privilege by giving even the lowest white worker on the food chain higher status than the majority of People of Color on a social level. This is done so that the White worker can kick dirt in the face of their class brothers and sisters with the ridiculous thought that, socially, in every way from speech to morality, white is more acceptable and divine than any Man and Woman of Color. They fear a white and non white unity, and that is why this is a constantly exploited situation. If Working class white neighborhoods bridged the gap between their community and the Working class POC neighborhoods, we would be unstoppable.

To this perpetuated illusion of racial omnipotence directed at, and for the soul purpose of degrading, demoralizing, and crushing the spirits and esteem of our Non White brothers and sisters, we say plain and simply to the Capitalist Class and its propaganda machine……….


They exploit the differences between the white collar Worker and blue collar Worker.

This they accomplish by saying that we are in fact different, giving white collar Workers what is known as the collar privilege, or better known as Middle class acceptance. Anybody who wears decent, socially acceptable clothing to go to an office daily must be a higher, more respectable being, with more intellect and education then us dirtballs that work in construction or in the factories or in sanitation, right?


You are still in the same class, even though the majority of white collar workers will more or less choose to hang around the Middle classes, such as college kids. They are still workers with as much power as Joey or Jen tightening bolts on an Impala at the GM Factory.

The exploitation of the differences between higher paid Workers and lower paid Workers.

A union carpenter who works for an hourly rate of $30 has nothing in common, socially, communicably, politically, or residentially with someone laboring in the factory at a rate of $8 an hour, right?


You have everything in common, from hobbies and interests to the hope of a better way socially and politically, to sense of humor and so on. However the Capitalists will make you believe that the higher paid Worker has more power and is more socially acceptable than the lower paid Worker. In reality, they both are being exploited and used solely for the profits and benefits of the Upper classes. Like a true prostitute, both are hired to do the bosses work for him or her. Getting paid hourly or daily for your body and labor, not for your work. Some working jobs and companies have higher earnings throughout the week, month, and year. Others make less. Some bosses are more “generous” and less stingy than others. Regardless. You are the same and need to shatter this ignorant and very much existing propaganda and thought through education of the workers.

They exploit the differences between the legal citizen worker and the illegal migrant worker.

This they accomplish by blaming "foreigners" for the lack of jobs available to U.S citizens by birth. From the Italians (which were called W.O.Ps, insinuating that they were here "With Out Papers"/illegally) in the early 1900s to the Mexicans in our present day, the Capitalists deliver their propaganda to the public and blame immigration for the economies problems. In reality, cheap, immigrant labor is not only embraced by the American Capitalists, but it is also built into the American economy that thrives on it. If the U.S actually shut its borders, the economy would go downhill and it would take years and years to revive itself. Everything from landscaping to the construction fields to roofing to sweatshops to cheap nannies and cleaning men and women for the affluent and so on would be severly hit with this borderlock. Not to mention the fact that non Americans that come here get to propagandize the "greatness" of America in their old country to pave way for the embracement of Americanization and imperialism amoung the people that live their.

They also exploit the differences between men and women.

Whether it be through cultural or religious requirements of the ignorance that specific tasks or jobs should be done by a specific sex, or ancient generalizations that support the idiotic theory that women are in fact inferior to the "oh so powerful" man; belonging domesticated, in her place, ignorant, and powerless in shackles, dependant on a man for survival. Nowadays, and for some time now, some of these hypocrisies have been crushed little by little thanks to the commercialized, and very well profited, feminist movement and anarcho-feminist and student feminist movements of the 60s. Women are born with just as much brains and brawn as men. Sometimes, we feel that it’s possible that they could be born with more. However, through propaganda such as toys that teach women to be "home humble" or that women must wear more womanly clothing to show their femininity and separate them from being an actual person to an object of mans desire. They subconsciously accept the fact that their sole purpose on the earth is to be domesticated; a slave to their man and all men alike. We are both the same. Both at home, in leisure, and at the workplace. It is ridiculous and somewhat disturbing that society still has a taint of racist and sexist views.

We cannot and will not agree with any form of ignorance, racist, sexist, and so on. Whether culturally, religiously, or any other title that men use to justify these actions. Although we believe in respecting and accepting cultural and religious differences, we believe that nobody has the right to have power over another. Not through living arrangements, marriage, culture, religion and certainly not through racial, sexual, and ethnical differences.

These are problems which MUST be crushed for a better tomorrow. By any means necessary.

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