Well, define "terrorist". The capitalists definition of a terrorist is anyone, person or organization, that speaks out and tries to crush, expose, and counter their current political structure, government, and Corporations that the economy and Capitalists depend and thrive on, and who seeks to have the land of the world properly divided and equally distributed amongst all people.
All in all, a terrorist is an individually defined word and image that targets a person or group of people that have opinions or beliefs that differ from the person who is pointing the finger and using the word so freely. The accuser believes that they themselves have the normal or right way of thinking or handling certain situations, whether they be social, personal, or political.
For instance, if you ask a family of Cuban decent in the U.S what they think of Castro, they will label him a terrorist for the most part. However, if you ask many of the ex-Marines, U.S Soldiers, or Freedom Fighters who now reside in Havana, they claim that he, along with his regime, is nothing at all how the media portrays him. Or in the former Soviet Union, their definition of terrorism in their dictionaries would be completely different than the Websters version of the same word in the U.S, which, in context, is identical in everyway. Basically what it comes down to is personal opinion. Any subject or person that instigates and frightens the one using this word so freely would be terroristic or a terrorist to the user.
Our definition of a terrorist is Capitalism in its entirety, for everything its worth. The Ruling class is responsible for more deaths in Vietnam and Hiroshima than every leftist revolution and uprising combined. That's just two historically documented situations. Not to mention the people that are killed by imperialistic measures taken by the Capitalist class to overthrow small, foreign communities and nations for corporate and economic growth and expansion. What about the colonization of the New World, which took part in active genocide of the Natives that were slaughtered in every part of the West? From the Cherokees, Sioux on U.S soil, to the Tainos who once resided peacefully in what is now Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the rest of the Latin influenced Caribbean. Is this not terroristic?Or how about the overlooked, "undocumented" mass murders and assassinations of past North/South American activists, such as the Black Panthers in the North and the Sandinistas in the South, who spoke out about local atrocities and human rights, only to be suppressed, assassinated and slaughtered by the U.S special agents allied with their countries military to carry out these Top Secret military missions.
And what about the rape and pillage of impoverished 3rd world countries for the Capitalists own proprietary, greedy, and selfish needs for money, land, and cheap labor with even cheaper, inhumane working conditions, restrictions, and regulations. In these countries, South America to Asia and beyond, it is legalized by the wealthy to have 8-10 year old children working 15 hour days while there mothers get molested and raped by the Capitalist enforced workplace authority; military. Is this not terroristic?That's not even counting the shit we see on a local and national level within the Americas. Like the sickening and gruesome number of children and families that go to bed hungry every night. Malnutritioned, malnourished, diseased from rat bites and in need of medical aid that is unaffordable, therefore it is unobtainable for our class. Or their ever so popular, government organized, operated, funded, perpetuated and protected "Drug War" that plagues our society, mostly in the non white communities where they sit back and get off on People of Color kill each other with hopes of keeping the ultra poor and impoverished within our class completely ignorant, immobilized, suppressed, apathetic and in a constant Police State. Think about it for a little while, and define terrorist.
If that is societies definition of a humanitarian, compassionate, "liberal" government and the people that speak out against it are "terrorists", then Anarchists of all genres must plead no more, no less..